Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sleep Strike

That's what I'm calling it.  Some (as my online research suggests) refer to it as the "9 Month Sleep Regression." 

Jude, just when I thought you were getting the hang of this whole sleeping better at night thing, you go on STRIKE.  Ugh. And it isn't only nighttime sleep that is suffering.  Naps now too.  Double ugh.

This little waving charmer has taken 1 1/2 naps in the past two days...oh wait, there was that nap that kept me trapped in the chair for an hour and half yesterday make that 2 1/2 naps....and he is fighting another one as we speak.  This is opposed to the normal 2-3 naps a day

I know I've been blessed (lucky??), going to bed at night and putting himself to sleep for naps has been pretty painless for Jude.  He's a great napper.  Or was.  Until now.  I haven't had to hold him while he sleeps since he was a newborn.  In fact, until recently, he preferred...I'm talking, would ONLY...sleep in his crib. (Or the occasional crash in the car seat while driving).  He loves his crib.  It breaks my heart to hear him cry.  Trying to see if he'll give in.  He hasn't before.  I always give in first. I cuddle him, bounce him, pace with him, rock him, sing to him, hum to him.  No dice. I let him get up and we try again later.  I know he's wasted tired because he can't stop rubbing his eyes and can't figure out what he wants.  The extra cuddles are nice from my busy busy baby, but it is a toss up.  For sure. 

And nighttime is no fun right now either.  He has been up a bunch the past couple of nights.  I gave in and started nursing him back to sleep, even though we had broken that habit a bit ago.  The worst part is, after being up with him, trying to get him back to sleep (...he dozes, i lay him down, he cries, stands up, reaches, i try to leave, he screams, i come in, i pick him up and it starts all over again....), sometimes I can't get back to sleep.  Last night would be one of those nights.  I'm running on maybe 3 hours of sleep.  Awesome.

It is a good thing he's cute and rocks adorable cankles.  Who knew cankles could be so cute?  Love him, but would also love some more sleep.  Motherhood isn't always fun, but I still wouldn't trade it for the world. (ok....maybe I would trade for one or two nights of uninterrupted sleep.)

Off to rescue my whimpering babe.  He's tried long enough for this Mama.  


  1. I wish there were something useful to say besides "Hang in there!" and "I know how you feel!" but seriously, hang in there, and I know how you feel. ;D

  2. 1 1/2 naps is par for the course around here.

  3. I know. I am thankful he naps (ed?) kept me sane as he has never slept more than 7 or 8 hours in a row at night. And he's only done that a handful of times.
