Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Congratulations to my sister and her fiance'! They were engaged over Valentine's Day weekend. Things were hectic then, and I realized they deserved a blog shout-out.

So, CONGRATS to Lindsey and Matt!
(yes, another Matt...we call them Matt B. and Matt C.)

photo courtesy of Michael Johnston
We wish you a lifetime of blessings and love!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

It is Spring Training time again in Dunedin. This is a good thing as it keeps Pap Pap very busy, and he needs something keeping him busy right now. As a senior consultant for the Blue Jays, Spring Training is his busiest time of year. We managed to get to a game last Sunday as we were in town visiting for the weekend.

Eli is always thrilled when we get to go to the ballpark. We didn't get there early enough to take full advantage of his pass that gets him anywhere in the park, but he clearly didn't mind. Just happy to be there.

Crummy seats, as usual (Ha ha! Just kidding! Thanks for hooking us up, Pap Pap!) Right behind the Braves dugout. E got a kick out of seeing the players in action up close and personal. But once the novelty wore off, he was off into the aisle playing with the fast friend he made.

From this point on, the only thing that could get him to sit down were snacks....popcorn, peanuts, and fresh squeezed lemonade. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day for a ballgame. Clear, and sunny, and warm!

Thanks again for the tickets and fun, Pap Pap!

Go Blue Jays!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Back to Books

A long, long time ago (or so it seems...), I used to try to write about some of our favorite finds at the libraries and book stores. Now that I'm back in the blogging saddle, I figured I'd revive the idea and start by sharing some of the titles that were most helpful this past month.

Literature was a wonderful tool to help explain death and dying to Eli. Thanks to my co-workers and Eli's teachers, I had plenty of books to choose from. Surprisingly, there were not many written for his age group, but together, we managed to find some.

I'll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm is a sweet story about a boy and his dog growing up together. The dog, of course, ages faster than the boy and eventually dies. The little boy is very sad, but is able to cope because he knows that he always told the dog how much he loved him.

We first read this book during Grandma's final week in the hospital. Eli began to request it daily, and it prompted several questions from him as to where Heaven is and how one gets there. Eli also seemed to pick up on telling people you love that you love them all the time, so that they always know. His emotions were running high for a while there, and he was more lovey than usual.

I was browsing websites and Amazon for other titles when I discovered this gem, God Gave Us Heaven by Lisa Tawn Bergren. She has several titles in this series. The characters in this book are a daddy polar bear and his daughter who is curious about Heaven. The dad does a wonderful job fielding her questions and telling her what a wonderful place Heaven is.

This book gave Eli a lot to talk and wonder about. We had many "deep" conversations after reading this one, and I love that the story does not focus on the sad parts of death. Instead, it tells us how awesome Heaven is. I think it brought Eli some peace knowing that MeeMaw was going to such an incredible place.

We read several others. Some were a little too "sad" or close to home. Others went right over his head. Eli's 3-year-old brain processed a lot in the past month, and I'm grateful that I was able to use literature to help him get his brain wrapped around this abstract concept.

And I know I've already shared it, but I can't get his little line out of my head. He came up with it during our conversation after reading I'll Always Love You.

"When you get to Heaven, you are alive again!"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just Because

"Two more, please!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Were Convinced

We were convinced we had an award winning chili recipe entered in the 28th Annual St. George Island Charity Chili Cook-Off this past weekend.

Unfortunately, the judges didn't agree with us.

This was our second year entering a recipe as team DECENT CHILI and our second year of lots of fun to report, but no prizes in hand.

The fun makes it all worth it though. The incredible people-watching, friends stopping by, delightfully positive feedback from strangers makes the day fun and makes us want to head back to the kitchen to tweak our recipe some more and figure out just what that *magic* combination of ingredients is. We'll be back again next year, I'm sure.

As much fun as the people-watching is for us grown-ups, Eli found other things more entertaining, like....

"sand angels",


& a Fire Truck!! Yes, indeed, Eli, in his super cute "Fire Chief" hat, won over the heart of the actual Fire Chief and managed to get to go up on the truck....

and not just on the truck....but up in the bucket!

Talk about making a 3 year old little boy's day! Truly a highlight of his weekend at the beach. He, of course, told the fireman that he wants to be a fireman when he grows up...or an astronaut.

It was a good quick weekend getaway to help relax a bit after the long few months we've had. Too bad our chili wasn't as good as we thought....but I guess all that matters is that we liked it, and we did. Thanks, Kristi, for leading our team this year! Proud of our entry and hope to one of these years, make it (at least) into the top 15. Gladly accepting tips for yummy yummier chili.

Monday, March 1, 2010

In Memory

In Memory of
Judy Carson

a.k.a. Mom, Mom C, MeeMaw, & Grandma
1.15.45 - 2.23.2010
online obituary and photos
Donations in her memory can be made to Kimberly Home.

Last Tuesday, February 23rd, the world lost a fabulous lady that brightened the lives of those she knew as her battle with ovarian cancer ended. She is finally pain free and at peace after 3 and a half years of fighting and the last 3 months of grueling pain. She fought with vigor and dignity and DID NOT go easily. She baffled all of the doctors and the nurses; fighting much longer and harder than anyone expected.

Before we said goodnight for the evening and headed back to the house for a late dinner last Tuesday, Eli led us as we all held hands with MeeMaw and prayed the Our Father (which coincidentally, the gospel Ann and I heard that morning at church was Matthew 6:7-14). We had been home only a few minutes when the phone call came that she had passed. Tuesday was a crazy day full of all kinds of reasons that she was finally able to let go of her pain here on earth and go to a better place.

We had a whirlwind week as arrangements were made, family arrived, and services were held. Everything was beautiful, and Judy was celebrated, honored, mourned, and remembered.

Eli was her inspiration.

She wanted to see him born and buy him a car on his 16th birthday. In her final days, she said she wasn't ready to go because she needed to see Eli grow up.

Many have asked how Eli handled it all, as he made the 1-2 trips daily visits with us to the hospital. He brought Grandma joy and peace throughout it all. He was a champ and learned to play well in the hospital room, brightening the spirits of all who entered that room with his singing, laughing, and playing.

He also participated in all of the services, wanting to kiss her goodbye each time. One of the many things I dreaded about her passing was having to explain death to Eli, a 3 year old. We did our best, and you know his little brain has been working overtime as he asked such thought-provoking and poignant questions like:
"Is Heaven underground?" (after reading a story about burying a family dog.)

"How do you get to Heaven?"

"Will Grandma fly to Heaven like a bird?"

"Is this Heaven?" (he asked as we arrived for the viewing and was told we were going to see Grandma.)

(and my favorite....which was not a question, but rather a statement) "When you get to Heaven, you are alive again."
Out of the mouths of babes, right? He gets it better than so many of us.

You will never be forgotten, Judy, and our lives are better because we knew you.

You were a great mother-in-law, and I hope to continue to make you proud as your grandson's Mommy. He will always know you as we will keep your memory alive. We love and miss you terribly already.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.