Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One Sunshiny Day

My blogging has been as erratic as the weather this month. Life is definitely throwing some ups and downs our way.

We had a pretty and dry day last week after torrential rains the day before. It was just the right temperature to get out and enjoy some sidewalk chalk and the late afternoon sun.

Eli got the big idea to make Daddy a BIG sign to see when he pulled into the driveway after coming home from a long day at work....

....only he very quickly got distracted. He was happy to leave the sign as it was, but after some coercive persuasion, Eli decided to get back to work and finish coloring our sign.

It took a lot of work and we wore down many chalk points while our hands and backsides were covered in the dust.

The finished, and final product that Daddy loved, but found almost too good looking to park on top of.

We hope you have had time (and the weather) to get out and enjoy the sunshiny days and just-right temperatures.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Kelly!

Yesterday, my sweet sister, Kelly, would have celebrated her 32nd birthday. I spent most of the morning in a funk, and poor Eli was not sure why. When I talked to him more about his Aunt Kelly's birthday, he listened intently and wanted to wrap her up a present.

Later when he woke up from his nap, we had the following conversation:
E: I'm a little bit sad.

M: Awww, why Babe?

E: I miss Aunt Kelly.

M: I miss her too. (with tears in my eyes)

E: I miss your brudder Kelly.

M: I miss my sister Kelly too, Baby.

E: She had a dog. (big hug and cuddles for Mommy.)

Eli said it best. We miss you, Kelly. Yesterday, today, everyday.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Latest and Greatest

I know I haven't been around a lot lately. Life is busy and time is short. On top of that, we haven't had too much fun stuff going on these days.

Our days are full of trying to get our act together and back into the school groove. The break went by too quickly; it is as if it never happened! The only proof we have that it came and went is the pictures....and Eli's sleeping schedule. Too bad his "sleeping in" had to be interrupted by going back to school with Mommy.

Let's see.....it has been pretty durn cold for us Floridians. I think we set a record yesterday or today with 13 consecutive days with temperatures below freezing. And right now our family and friends up north and out in Denver just started laughing at us, but come on, we live in FL!

I have to admit, that I've enjoyed the cooler temps and am kinda sad to see them go. I don't think it is supposed to freeze tonight. I love hat, scarf and sweater weather!

What else has been going on? Hmmm....Did I mention before that Eli is 3 now? Oh yeah, and boy is he acting 3. "They" say 3 is harder than 2, and so far, I concur.

This little angel has been pushing our buttons , sassing like there is no tomorrow, and making all kinds of mischief lately.

It reminds me of the poem by Longfellow.
There was a little girl, who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead,
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
OK, horrid may be a bit harsh, but I can honestly say that my parenting skills are being challenged...and so is my patience. I think Eli has asked the question, "Why?" at least 50 times a day...no joke! 50 times daily for the past week or two. And watch out if you don't answer him in a timely or what he deems appropriate manner.

He is very very good and very very smart, inventive, creative, silly, and fun. He continues to be compassionate and caring, but he is 3. Period.

To keep him busy and out of trouble, we have signed him up for a weekly gymnastics class that will start next week. He is extremely excited! We are hoping to get him into soccer soon too. It is clear that he needs outlets to release all of his awesome energy and excitement. Whew!

Since I have spent the bulk of this blog whining about my boy, I should give him some props too. It is only fair. It has been very fun watching him explore the world of print and letter/sound/word recognition. He has been stringing the letters he can write out into "sentences" and "words" that only he can read, but he knows exactly what they say. I love it! He continues to spell and add words to the list that he can spell and recognize/read. This week, we've been working on the days of the week. He has recently become intrigued by the days of the week. What day is it? When is Wednesday? What is today in Spanish? It only seemed fitting that we learn to recognize the days of the week too.

Finally, (she is going to be so mad at me....) please keep my MIL, Eli's Memaw, in your prayers as she continues her battle with ovarian cancer. It hasn't been easy, and it has been particularly rough lately. We believe in the power of prayer, so I ask you to intercede for her and her fight.


Well, I think that fills you in on our latest and greatest. I hope to be around more as we await the adventures of 2010.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Merry and Bright

I promise that I'm still here and that I haven't resolved to give up blogging in 2010, but the holidays were busy and full of family time. The computer has seemed distant.

Since I last blogged, we have celebrated Daddy's birthday....

with yummy Cookie Dough Cupcakes.

Made Christmas cookies.

Got spiffy new matching jammies.

I got some too! (They matched my toenail polish, perfectly!)

Made sure Santa could get in.

Read both Twas the Night Before Christmas and Luke 2 before heading to bed.

Pleased that Santa came, and brought the jackhammer, soccer ball, and marker that Eli asked for.

Made sure to stop and play with each

and every present. He even wanted to read the books....

despite more presents to be opened. It took over 2 hours to open what we did, and he never did finish opening them all. We still have 3 presents under the tree for Eli. Love it!

Unfortunately, Grandma Carson spent Christmas in the hospital, so we spent a lot of time there with her and tried to bring a little Christmas to her. Thankfully, she was only there a few days, and is home and recovering well. So, Christmas was a little different this year, but Eli didn't notice a thing. He had so much fun and was truly a delight to watch as he experienced it all.

We even managed to find the time to make Jesus's birthday cake

and card.

Then we got to come back to Tallahassee and have Christmas all over again with the Snyder family....and love on cousin Asher.

Eli adores his cousin, and Asher seems to be pretty fond of Eli too. The two made quite a pair. Eli can rile Asher up and get him to smile, laugh, squeak, sing, talk, and bounce like no other. We can't wait to watch as these two grow up and become true playmates and friends.

Eli also adores his Uncle Ricky.

It was fabulous having almost all of us home for the holidays once again.

We missed having Susanna with us this Christmas. She is currently in the jungles of Ecuador with a school program. She is out there experiencing and trying to make the world a better place. She is pretty cool that way.

We were sad when the family all went to their respective homes, but it gave Eli some time to try out some of his new toys.

Mommy got a new toy too....a new camera lens!

And I'll leave you with a clip of Eli playing the drums he got from Grandma and Grandpap Carson. He's got some rhythm,

and we've got some new headphones to match Eli's.

Hope your Christmases were merry, blessed, and full of wonder.
Happy 2010!