Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One Sunshiny Day

My blogging has been as erratic as the weather this month. Life is definitely throwing some ups and downs our way.

We had a pretty and dry day last week after torrential rains the day before. It was just the right temperature to get out and enjoy some sidewalk chalk and the late afternoon sun.

Eli got the big idea to make Daddy a BIG sign to see when he pulled into the driveway after coming home from a long day at work....

....only he very quickly got distracted. He was happy to leave the sign as it was, but after some coercive persuasion, Eli decided to get back to work and finish coloring our sign.

It took a lot of work and we wore down many chalk points while our hands and backsides were covered in the dust.

The finished, and final product that Daddy loved, but found almost too good looking to park on top of.

We hope you have had time (and the weather) to get out and enjoy the sunshiny days and just-right temperatures.