Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Were Convinced

We were convinced we had an award winning chili recipe entered in the 28th Annual St. George Island Charity Chili Cook-Off this past weekend.

Unfortunately, the judges didn't agree with us.

This was our second year entering a recipe as team DECENT CHILI and our second year of lots of fun to report, but no prizes in hand.

The fun makes it all worth it though. The incredible people-watching, friends stopping by, delightfully positive feedback from strangers makes the day fun and makes us want to head back to the kitchen to tweak our recipe some more and figure out just what that *magic* combination of ingredients is. We'll be back again next year, I'm sure.

As much fun as the people-watching is for us grown-ups, Eli found other things more entertaining, like....

"sand angels",


& a Fire Truck!! Yes, indeed, Eli, in his super cute "Fire Chief" hat, won over the heart of the actual Fire Chief and managed to get to go up on the truck....

and not just on the truck....but up in the bucket!

Talk about making a 3 year old little boy's day! Truly a highlight of his weekend at the beach. He, of course, told the fireman that he wants to be a fireman when he grows up...or an astronaut.

It was a good quick weekend getaway to help relax a bit after the long few months we've had. Too bad our chili wasn't as good as we thought....but I guess all that matters is that we liked it, and we did. Thanks, Kristi, for leading our team this year! Proud of our entry and hope to one of these years, make it (at least) into the top 15. Gladly accepting tips for yummy yummier chili.


  1. Looks like so much fun! Yay for Eli on the fire truck! I LOVE the pic of Matt and Eli!!

    See you soon,

  2. That is so neat that he was in the bucket!!!! He is growing so much. I can tell he has that rounder look in his face that happens during growth spurts. It is so amazing to watch children grow. The beautiful FL sky is nice to look at, too:)
