Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 Months

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.  The time keeps flying by and we keep having more fun.  We are falling more and more in love with our happy littlest man. He is just too sweet....and kinda cute too. 


I can't tell you how much I love this face...and that pursed lip smile! I adore taking time to remember all that has been going on in Jude's little world this month...and finding fun pictures that haven't made it into other posts. So let's see....what's new with The Dude?

Jude loves to make noise, but his babbling is different one week to the next. First it was "Dada", then "Mama", and this week, it is all about "dadadadadada" again. I still don't think he really knows what he's saying, just making sounds and loving it.  Still only signing "milk" but emphatically at times when he wants it.  I believe he understands many of the signs I use with him, such as more, eat, cracker, all finished, and sleep but he still doesn't use them himself.  We gets lots of tongue these days.  He loves to stick it out and make funny noises waggling it in and out of his mouth. And I'm not sure if it is on purpose or not, but the little trouble maker does not seem to understand any form of "Stop, don't do that" kind of words or sounds.  He will turn, look at me, smile as big as he can, and keep right on doing it....sometimes he'll even laugh about it.  I think I'm in trouble.

He loves to giggle and laugh.  Eli seems to get the most giggles, but tickling or the idea of a chase will get him going too.

Jude is officially a crawling expert and moves quickly wherever he wants to go.  His favorite spots are the front door (there are windows and a crazy fun door stop to pull up there!!), the bathroom (that toilet is fun!!), and the stairs (he will climb them if you let him!!).  Mama has got to be on her toes.  Thank goodness for the baby gate. He pulls up like a pro and cruises around.  He is finding his balance and barely holding on at times.  Would it be wrong to start knocking him down?  

Jude has a new found sense of independence now that he crawls with ease.  He loves to play and explore. In and out, open and close. He puts everything in his mouth.  We are officially on choke-able patrol around here.  His favorite toys are the remote, outlets (with covers, of course) and anything Eli is playing with  Let's just say that this is NOT Eli's favorite part about having a little brother.  Sharing toys has proved difficult for Eli, and we are still working on it. 

Jude loves to nurse. I don't see him giving it up anytime soon, and I'm ok with that.  He eats 2-3 meals a day of table food.  He prefers veggies to fruits, but will eat applesauce, melon, and pears.  He likes yogurt for breakfast, but I think his favorite food would have to be tofu...along with puffs and Mum Mums.  He likes teething biscuits too,

but boy are they messy!  And with his 4 (yes 4!!!) teeth, he bites off huge chunks that I have to fish out of his mouth eventually.

Those blue eyes, the nearly bald head, and his silly grin win over even the grumpiest stranger.  Not sure if the blue eyes are going to stick around anymore.  They seem to be getting a bit more gray in them...but we'll see.  He does have hair.  But not much and what he does have is super fair/blond.  Still can't believe Matt and I made a blond haired blue eyed baby.  Genes are so crazy and so fun!  

Jude is such a chill baby and is continues to be super content.  As long as he is near Mama, but especially in her arms.  He is starting to get a bit better about being left with other people, but it is still a work in progress.

The boy's cries just break my heart.  But when he's happy he is oh-so happy!  He has decided that banging his hands or other objects (i.e. his cup) on tables is all kinds of fun and makes a fun sound too.  Lately, he has started doing "soooo big!"  I honestly think my heart grows each time he does it.  So stinkin' sweet!

Last but not least.....Drum roll, please......he is starting to sleep better!!!  WOOOOO HOOO!  This Mama is finally getting some sleep. I feel like a new woman.  It was like magic...over night. He still has nights where he wants some Mama love and maybe a little milk (like last night....), but I'm gonna hope we have turned a corner here....for good!

Looking forward to the next month of adventures and discoveries.  Hard to remember our life before Jude.  He fits so perfectly.


  1. He is truly so adorable!! Man oh man i love his pursed lip smile too :)

  2. Glad you're getting more sleep! That's a killer!
