Monday, December 29, 2008

Coming Down from a Merry Christmas

I'd like to think that we are officially coming down from our December Frenzy. With Eli, Matt, and Jesus all celebrating birthdays within 5 days of each has been intense.

But in a good way.

To try and recap...we left Friday the 19th to head to Dunedin. Eli was amazing...probably the best he's ever been...on the ride down. He was super excited to see the much so that he woke up enough to play for an hour before crashing around 1 a.m.

The next morning, we headed to the zoo for Eli's official birthday. The entire Carson and Ward crew met up with my sister, Theresa and her hubby + his parents. I found it amusing to stand back and watch 11 adults walk around the zoo with a 2 year old. He is lucky to be loved by so many. High points of the zoo trip were the penguins and feeding the giraffe. And if you ask Eli about it, he'll probably tell you that the giraffe licked his hand.

(to turn on captions, click the dialogue box)

Sunday, Matt and I got the go with Mark and Matt's dad to watch the Tampa Bay Bucs lose. I took some great pics, but they're on my MIL's camera...and I forgot to have her send them to me....oops!
Tuesday was Matt's birthday. We had a yummy dinner out and then delicious Gooey Butter Cake. Mmmmmm!

Then, of course, it was Christmas Eve and Christmas.
I don't think I ever did feel all that spirited. I guess I just got bogged down by all the tasks and present buying this year (I had a tough time finding "perfect" gifts for some loved ones...never did). AND Eli seemed to start to act greedy and selfish after getting so many gifts these past two weeks thanks to birthday parties and Christmas. I tried to take time and think about why we celebrate, but it wasn't evident enough for me to be able to actually "get" it. I am inspired by those who are able to do both the gift thing with children and still keep their focus on Christ. I failed miserably this year. Pointers, anyone?
Wii and Rockband kept everyone entertained Christmas Eve.

And Christmas morning....WOW! Eli was spoiled rotten! a good way. He had so many presents to open...and he really didn't like opening them all that much. I honestly think he could have gotten just a few things and been content. He really did love each present. He wanted to play with each thing right then and there. Some of the favorites were his trike, a Handy Dandy Notebook, a Plasma Car, and his kitchen (which Santa left at home because it was too big to have to bring back.)

(click the dialogue box if you'd like to see the captions)

After all that fun, we got to come home and celebrate Christmas with my family.

Saturday, we headed to the lake to celebrate (one last time...) with our extended family. It is always so much fun to be with everyone, and it was a beautiful day.

Now...finally...back to a bit of normalcy. If there is such a thing...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bah Humbug!

Do you ever have days where you just don't feel like Christmas is fun? Well, I'm having some of those days now. This morning I donned a shirt that clearly expresses my mood.

I guess my plan to just take this month as it comes...and not to try to plan it out too much or worry about it didn't work out too well. There is just way too much to do in too short a time to be able to enjoy the holiday...or even take time to remember WHY we celebrate. I'll need to come back and reread this post next year and figure out how to make this month full of birthdays and Christmas more enjoyable for me. It should be more really should.

And one more picture of Eli as I was trying to get a shot for the Christmas cards (....they're coming soon....really they are!!!) This shot also sums up how I'm feeling:

Here's hoping...and Christmas joy returns. (Sooner than later, please!)

(On a funnier note: At least I have Eli's funnies to keep me smiling despite my Scrooge-y feelings. His latest catch phrase is one I think he's picked up from me. "O-MY-GOSH!" Very exaggerated and pronounced. Too funny!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ho Ho Ho!

Eli went to sit on Santa's lap this weekend. All morning long, we talked about going to see Santa, and Eli was pumped! We asked him what he was going to tell Santa he wanted for Christmas....


Duh, Mommy and Daddy. How silly can you be?

Well, when the time came, Eli sat on Santa's problem. And I really think he would have sat there all day. Too bad he wouldn't talk to the strange, bearded man dressed in red. Nor would he smile. This was the best we could get, and Santa (a.k.a. Dan-pa in Eli-ese -- a cross between Santa and Grandpa. Eli has trouble saying the "s" sound...they come out as "d's") isn't even looking.

Overall, we're just happy Eli didn't cry and wasn't traumatized. We've all heard about (or witnessed 1st hand...) those stories.

(and I honestly think Eli's memory of this moment will consist of the fact that he got his first lollipop from Santa...a blue lollipop. blue, really? talk about a cruel trick to play on the parents of an almost 2-year old. we made him throw it away after several licks. we're so mean, aren't we?)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Birthday Bash

Eli had a blast at his birthday party yesterday. It turned out to be the perfect day for a party at the park. Everything turned out perfectly! Eli was a little overwhelmed by it all. We had been prepping him for the big day, but the real deal was still a little much for a good way. He truly loved it. Thanks to all of those who were able to come and help us celebrate Eli's special day.

Eli's party
(click to view some party pics)

And the best part is...we get to celebrate his birthday all over again on the actual day (next Sat.) with the Carsons when we head down there for Christmas. What an exciting time!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Almost Party Time

We're getting ready for a birthday party around here.

Can you believe he's going to be 2? I am having a hard time saying it out loud when people ask how old he is.

I've been busy taking care of the little party details this week.

stuffing goodie bags

having Eli decorate his birthday crown

and trying to design and make a unique birthday T

Even though his actual birthday isn't for another week, with this party just two sleeps away, we are certainly in the "Birthday Spirit."

Wanna See Something Cute?

My dear friend, Christy, had a baby girl last week.
Isn't she beautiful? This little sweetie pie didn't want to come out, but finally graced us with her presence coming in at 9 pounds 1 ounce. Whew! Go Mama! Don't you just want to EAT those cheeks?
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper...Take 2

Eli really does enjoy helping out around the house. Maybe we need to start giving him some actual chores...hmmmmm....

Lately, he loves emptying the silverware from the dishwasher.

*His handiwork*
Now we just need to work on his sorting skills.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tis the Season

So I decided to get creative this month and decorate our blog. I'll likely go back to the "Gator" style once the holidays are over. I was in the mood after decorating yesterday...and decided the blog needed some holiday cheer as well.

Eli got to put the star on the tree!

He loved hanging the ornaments...although he clustered them all together. Mommy (I wish I wasn't such a perfectionist...) had to spread them out later.

The boys setting up and playing with the train. Boys will ALWAYS love matter how old! This is by far Eli's favorite of all the decorations. He played with it up until bedtime last night and wanted to play with it as soon as he woke up this morning.

The finished product.

Overall, I'm a minimalist when it comes to Christmas decorations. I just don't have the decorating flair...never have, and likely never will. What I do, I do alright, but I don't go all out. I really love looking at and admiring others' amazing decorations. In the end, we decided that we also really love the simplicity of ours.

And I can't post today without mentioning how ABSOLUTELY THRILLED AND EXCITED we are that our Gators are going to the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP game in January!! The SEC Championship game was intense, but the Gators were victorious over Alabama; pulling it out in the 4th quarter.

It really is GREAT to be a FLORIDA GATOR!

Friday, December 5, 2008

"No Nigh-Nigh!"

A peek in to our conversation as we drove home this afternoon:

Mommy: When we get home, buddy, it is nap time.

Eli: I not deepy, Mommy. (Eli-ese for "I'm not sleepy.") I wake!

Mommy: Well, we're going to go nigh-nigh when we get home.

Eli: nope

Mommy: yes

Eli: no

Mommy: You can keep saying no, but I will keep saying yes.

No nigh-nigh. (BIG yawn....BIG pause....) I tired, Mommy.

Mommy: Oh really? (to myself...) I had no idea.

I guess my preparation for the nap paid off. He went upstairs without a fight and climbed in bed (only after I lifted him in, but he climbed out and wanted to get in all by himself. "I do it.") I went up to check on him and this is how I found the little guy. Don't you just love to find them asleep with books? He likes to read his favorites until sleep overtakes him. A boy after his Mommy's heart. Many nights, Matt has to nudge me and tell me to put my book down and turn off the light. :)
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend Wrap-up

So....where to begin? I feel like so much has gone on since I last posted, and that is probably because a lot has!

Thanksgiving was so relaxing and yummy. After us girls got up to run the Turkey Trot, we made quick work of preparing THE meal. We tried some new dishes and ended up with quite a spread. I think Eli ate his fair share of the stuffed celery!

check out his curls!!!

We were sad to be minus Theresa, Ricky, and Susanna, but we know they had a wonderful dinner with friends in Colorado. With Christmas coming, we'll all be together before we know it!

After stuffing ourselves, we headed out to play some "cornhole." Matt and Grandpa Snyder made a new set of boards just for this weekend. So fun!

Friday morning we all took it easy and then headed out to our aunt and uncle's lake property for a surprise party for our cousin, Robert. He was thoroughly surprised!! Despite rainy conditions, Eli had a blast playing with all the cousins.

Saturday was gameday! The UF vs FSU showdown was here in Tallahassee, and we were lucky enough to have access to the sky boxes.

It POURED before, during, and after the game. We stayed dry...for the most part...until the walk home. Luckily the game was a blow out and the Gators earn yet another year of bragging rights. It sure makes living in Tallahassee as a Gator a LOT easier!! So even though we got soaked on the walk back, we were too happy and busy celebrating to mind.

And now that Thanksgiving is over, I have to kick it into high gear to plan Eli's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe it is time. I think I have waited to the last minute to organize the details due to my denial of how quickly the year has flown by.

Our little boy is turning into a very vocal chatterbox making us laugh and smile daily. He really does say the darndest things!

And then I have to start Christmas shopping...oh yeah. I'm sure it will be a busy and stressful month, but all in a good way. Whenever I start to feel anxious about all I have to accomplish in just a few short weeks, I turn on Christmas music and my worries are gone. One of these days, we'll get our act together and decorate. It is all good. Really...all good. We thank God for all he has blessed us with. The decorating, shopping, party planning, and don't forget, Christmas cards are such little things in a world of so much BIGGER...and they will ALL fall into place.

Happy Advent to you all!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Chomp Chomps

That is what Eli calls the Gators.

Eli went to his first Gator game in the Swamp this weekend. We had him practicing the Gator chants and songs all week long.

He was extremely excited when he woke up Saturday morning, and Daddy asked him where we were going. "Chomp Chomps!" he said.

Initially, he was completely overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds. Once the pregame hoopla was in full swing, he got a little scared by the (totally AWESOME) flyover and all the yelling and cheering as the Gators took the field. He quickly warmed up and lasted almost the entire game (thanks to spectacular seats!)...and all without a nap.

Can you tell how tired he was....

After the game, we made sure to get some cute pictures of him at some campus hot spots.

It was a perfect day...complete with lunch at Burrito Brothers and a quick stop in our old neighborhood to see some friends before hitting the road. We only wish we had more time to show Eli all around Gainesville. I'm sure we'll be back soon. Eli truly LOVED it!

(*And by the way....this Gator team is really amazing. If you can believe it, they're faster in real life!!! *)


Thursday, November 20, 2008

This and That

I don't know what happened to this month. This month was supposed to be an easy month, but instead it has been a month of too much on my mind and being scatterbrained. Not a good combination. Believe me, I know...

Matt and I were considering a move into a house we have had our eye on since we moved to Tallahassee...we concluded that the time is not right and things are different now. We are staying put.

School has been hectic and different. Too much, really.

Eli has the sniffles...pretty much a full-blown cold at this point. He isn't sleeping or napping well. This means nobody's sleeping well. When baby ain't sleeping...ain't nobody sleeping.
Birthday season is almost here! (Eli's bday is 12/20, Matt's bday is 12/23 and Jesus's *celebrated* birthday is 12/25) EEK! I need to get on the ball, but I really wanted to enjoy this month...and the coming season. Presents to buy, parties to plan, cards to make and send out. SIGH!

I'll leave you with a peek into our week so far...

Eli wrote on the wall for the first, and what I had hoped, LAST time...but he did it again last night.

Look closely and you can see a red mark on the wall above his hand.

We've had a cold spell here this week. Eli and I bundled up and went to watch our school's soccer team play. THEY WON!!! Eli loved playing with other spectators, young and old. He didn't really spend much time watching the game.

He did almost get hit by a ricocheting ball. That was exciting. Too exciting for Mommy's taste.

And finally...Eli learned his last name this week.

Isn't he just too cute?

We're headed for Gainesville this weekend. If luck is on our side, we'll manage to scrounge up some UF vs Citadel tickets and take Eli to his first Gator game. We're pumped!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Play Date Mates

Eli and I have had the opportunity and privilege of regular play dates with our friends (little) Lexie Kate and (mommy) Sallie this fall. The kids have become fast friends.

I don't think Eli could be more happy or proud to have made such a sweet friend!

They are just precious together...playing with one another...watching and observing; teaching and learning.

And of course, us mommies love the time to "play" too.

You Should See the Other Guy!

So Eli got into a little fight...

...too bad it was with a bench!!

I am amazed by how quickly kids heal and bounce back. The first picture is the day it happened, and the others are 3 days later.
(I'm also convinced had this been my would be a horrendous black eye, but just another wee bump for our "bruiser.")

In other fun and exciting news: Eli decided he was ready for a...



He loves it and has YET to try and get out. I was extremely nervous about switching the crib front out for the toddler bed attachment as Eli sleeps upstairs. I was worried sick that he would try to come out of his room when he woke up or if he didn't feel like napping. Instead, he has stayed in bed singing songs such as Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday, and Blue's Clues, playing, and talking to his Doggie (and self) about all kinds of stuff. This morning as he woke up, we heard, "Big boy bed!" through the monitor. He is just so happy to be in his new bed.
(And Mommy put a so-far-Eli-proof door knob protector on the inside of his room to keep him safely in his room until we get him up...but he hasn't even gotten out of bed yet...I know, I know...YET!!)

Funny side note: While waiting for sleep to overtake him during nap time yesterday, I heard, "Diaper off" on the monitor. I knew I should have gone up to check...but I was afraid he'd never go to sleep. When I went up to rescue him after his nap, I found him diaper-less! And not a drop of pee pee to be found. Maybe we're closer to potty training than I thought! :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bubbles and ZOINKS!

I think Eli would choose to play with bubbles everyday if he could.

We have been loving the fall least Florida's version of fall. Beautiful days, not too hot, not too cold. Just right! Eli and I spend a good part of each day enjoying the weather.

Unfortunately, it rained Friday night while we were sleeping, so the parks wouldn't be dry enough to play at Saturday morning. We took the opportunity to try out indoor playground with lots of bounce houses and slides.

Eli wasn't to sure of them at first...and decided he'd rather try his hand at some of the games. (We'll likely regret that in the future...)

We didn't have any singles, so we ended up with more tokens than we intended and played more games than we should have. Eli didn't mind ONE BIT! He loved watching the tickets pour out and tearing them off. We redeemed them for this cowboy. Junk, but lovable!

Once we realized we could help him in the bouncers (and the bazillion big kids there were in rooms celebrating birthdays and eating cake...i think there were at least 3 parties going on...), we tried the bouncies again.

I think he likes them now!