Monday, December 8, 2008

Tis the Season

So I decided to get creative this month and decorate our blog. I'll likely go back to the "Gator" style once the holidays are over. I was in the mood after decorating yesterday...and decided the blog needed some holiday cheer as well.

Eli got to put the star on the tree!

He loved hanging the ornaments...although he clustered them all together. Mommy (I wish I wasn't such a perfectionist...) had to spread them out later.

The boys setting up and playing with the train. Boys will ALWAYS love matter how old! This is by far Eli's favorite of all the decorations. He played with it up until bedtime last night and wanted to play with it as soon as he woke up this morning.

The finished product.

Overall, I'm a minimalist when it comes to Christmas decorations. I just don't have the decorating flair...never have, and likely never will. What I do, I do alright, but I don't go all out. I really love looking at and admiring others' amazing decorations. In the end, we decided that we also really love the simplicity of ours.

And I can't post today without mentioning how ABSOLUTELY THRILLED AND EXCITED we are that our Gators are going to the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP game in January!! The SEC Championship game was intense, but the Gators were victorious over Alabama; pulling it out in the 4th quarter.

It really is GREAT to be a FLORIDA GATOR!

1 comment:

  1. aw i love the decorations! and i think there's beauty in simplicity.
