Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper...Take 2

Eli really does enjoy helping out around the house. Maybe we need to start giving him some actual chores...hmmmmm....

Lately, he loves emptying the silverware from the dishwasher.

*His handiwork*
Now we just need to work on his sorting skills.


  1. hahaha. he must get that from matt.

  2. Bahhaha so cute!!! I bet you had to resort as soon as he turned his back :)
    Maybe you can put a picture of each type of silverware at the bottom of its designated bin. I used pictures or cut outs of where everything went when I taught preschool. It saved me a lot of retracing steps.. and it will probably help teach Eli to be as organized as you are.

    I miss you and Eli so much :( Maybe I'll stop by in January on the way home from Christmas.

