Matt and I were considering a move into a house we have had our eye on since we moved to Tallahassee...we concluded that the time is not right and things are different now. We are staying put.
School has been hectic and different. Too much, really.
Eli has the sniffles...pretty much a full-blown cold at this point. He isn't sleeping or napping well. This means nobody's sleeping well. When baby ain't sleeping...ain't nobody sleeping.
Birthday season is almost here! (Eli's bday is 12/20, Matt's bday is 12/23 and Jesus's *celebrated* birthday is 12/25) EEK! I need to get on the ball, but I really wanted to enjoy this month...and the coming season. Presents to buy, parties to plan, cards to make and send out. SIGH!
I'll leave you with a peek into our week so far...
Eli wrote on the wall for the first, and what I had hoped, LAST time...but he did it again last night.
Look closely and you can see a red mark on the wall above his hand.
We've had a cold spell here this week. Eli and I bundled up and went to watch our school's soccer team play. THEY WON!!! Eli loved playing with other spectators, young and old. He didn't really spend much time watching the game.
He did almost get hit by a ricocheting ball. That was exciting. Too exciting for Mommy's taste.
And finally...Eli learned his last name this week.
Isn't he just too cute?
We're headed for Gainesville this weekend. If luck is on our side, we'll manage to scrounge up some UF vs Citadel tickets and take Eli to his first Gator game. We're pumped!
Believe me, Eli's coloring on the wall is *nothing* compared to James's. I hear that a hair dryer will melt off the crayon, though. Also, I don't think I mentioned that James has been attending a Roman Catholic school for preschool. It is adorable! It's amazing to me how even tiny kids will recognize pictures of Jesus over and over again if you just teach them once.
ReplyDeleteOkay, that video is the cutest thing ever.