Thursday, November 13, 2008

Play Date Mates

Eli and I have had the opportunity and privilege of regular play dates with our friends (little) Lexie Kate and (mommy) Sallie this fall. The kids have become fast friends.

I don't think Eli could be more happy or proud to have made such a sweet friend!

They are just precious together...playing with one another...watching and observing; teaching and learning.

And of course, us mommies love the time to "play" too.


  1. I haven't seen Lexie Kate since she was.... um BORN! She's precious!!! And they are precious together!!

  2. It's completely fine, Katie! I wish I had known you had a blog, I could have been keeping up with you!

    I'm not like depressed or sad or anything, that I can tell at least, I just really feel like crying sometimes, which is weird, but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone...

