Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Land of the Living

First things first....


It felt so great to join the land of the living and get back to a routine today. Boy, did it feel good to get out of the house! Eli had a great day, but was wiped out afterward. We grabbed lunch and some new library books on our way home, but he was happy to curl up in bed with his blanket, Dog-Dog, and Baby. I am predicting a L_O_N_G_nap....though now that I said that, I'm sure he'll prove me wrong.

Tomorrow is the first day of October. WHAT? I know, I can hardly believe it. Where did September go? Seriously. I am thrilled that our first "cold" front of season has rolled in. I happily sipped a warm Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning in celebration of a healthy boy...and the beautiful fall weather.

Tomorrow is also the day that my new camera lens arrives. I am beyond excited. Back in June, when Eli and I were in Denver hangin' with cousin Asher and my sissies, there was an accident with my camera. It fell off of a table and landed on a wood floor. Initially, it was broken and wouldn't snap a picture, but after I toyed around with it a bit, I discovered that the lens (more specifically, the auto focus mechanism) was jammed. If I twisted it a buncha times, I could make it work. Overall, the camera is OK and still takes good pictures. The problem is that you never know when the lens feels like jamming. It will take pictures in some modes without jamming (...much), and in others (my preferred modes...) it jams constantly causing me to miss some great photo ops. I didn't want to fork over money for a new lens, but after a week of putting aside my tutoring money with a new lens in mind, I decided to make the order. I can't wait to have a fully-working camera back. So, for those of you who noticed a drop in the number of pictures I have been taking each you know why.

I'll leave you with a LINK to this month's pictures and a few pictures...because all good posts have pictures, right? These are from our watermelon harvest. We only got 3 baby melons that were barely bigger than a softball. The fruit was super seedy and the rind was thick, but Eli enjoyed them. He isn't picky when it comes to melon and besides, these were from the garden that he helped plant and tend. Not bad for novice gardeners.

1 comment:

  1. Yey for Eli's heatlh back :) Glad you are back to school and well.
