Friday, October 2, 2009


That's Spanish for "butterflies." Eli's preschool class had a Mariposa Parade today to celebrate the butterflies that came out of their chrysalises this week.

While Eli was home sick on Monday (boo that he missed it!), both the Monarch and the Buckeye butterflies came out of their chrysalises and were ready to be released. The students were excited as they released the butterflies, but wondered where they go. The class then learned about how Monarch butterflies actually migrate to Mexico when the weather gets colder. And when the butterflies get there, the people of Mexico celebrate with a festival and a parade.

So the students made Monarch wings and headbands with antennae and paraded around the school today. They were absolutely adorable.

We are so fortunate that Eli is part of such a great preschool program. They truly foster a love of learning and encourage exploration and discovery through an emergent curriculum. This entire study of butterflies came about because the students were finding so many caterpillars that had fallen out of the tree outside their classroom. The plan was to investigate the garden and creatures of the garden, but when the students became fascinated by the caterpillars and butterflies...the teachers took it and ran with it. We are glad they did!

Eli loves his teachers and all of his friends at school. While home sick, he would tell me, "They need me, Mommy." He is glad to be back but sad he missed the butterflies coming out of their chrysalises.

Eli was so proud when he brought the Monarch caterpillar to school. Too bad he missed seeing it as a butterfly.

And even though he didn't get to be a part of releasing the butterflies, he was still very excited about being a part of the Mariposa Parade today.

....and then he was over it. It was soon after this that he asked me to take off his wings.

Hope you all have a wonderful fall weekend. I am still loving the crisp fall morning weather October has brought with it. (and I am also LOVING my new camera lens...can you see a difference in the photos? I can!....or at least I am tricking myself into seeing the difference.)

Happy Fall, Y'all!
(did i just type y'all? yes i did. as eli would say, "it rhymes!" i'm trying to talk myself into not deleting it. ok...i'm leaving it!)


  1. What a wonderful activity! He looks adorable. P.S. Don't delete the ya''s cute. :)

  2. So Cute!!! Good to see you and your little monarch today. :0)

  3. this is adorable. if i ever teach preschool or kindergarten, we are so having a mariposa parade.

  4. oh my gosh that is so cute!!!!

  5. ADORABLE! what a great preschool class!
