Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Not much to say today, but I have been meaning to give you a peek at what we have been harvesting from our garden the past week or two.

'maters! Too bad Eli isn't as big a fan of eating tomatoes as he is planting, tending, and picking them.

I have tried them, and they are tasty! We have gotten 7 or 8 good ones so far, and there are several green ones still growing and ripening as we speak.

Sadly, our watermelon plants have not been thriving lately. We are not sure if they got a disease or if the heat got to them. We ended up with 3 medium sized melons that are still on the vines trying to ripen up. Hopefully they'll be ready to pick and taste soon. Unlike tomatoes...Eli LOVES watermelon.

1 comment:

  1. yummy! I remember growing my own cherry tomato plant as a kid!
