Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Too Blogworthy

Not much blogworthy going on around here lately. Unless you count the fact that Eli is sick....again! *sigh* He's been home from school for two days now...which means Mommy has been home from school for two days too.

I think he has the same thing he had over Labor Day. A day or so of a low-grade fever with a nasty cough and congestion that irritates his throat. I'm trying to be responsible and keep him home long enough that the germs won't be passed on and back around to him AGAIN!

Here's hoping he's better enough to go to school tomorrow. I don't know how many more kid shows/movies I can take....

He claims that he feels better already!


  1. I am sorry little Eli is sick again! I hope he gets better soon! But those pictures are priceless...too funny!

    Love ya!
    (Aunt) Kate

  2. OK .. absolutely love the last 2 pics. Is that his new "face" (pic 3). love to all. Grandma C
