Tuesday, May 6, 2008

St. George Fun

We packed up and headed to the beach with some friends this weekend. The Popes, The Hanlons, The Miquelis, & Travis joined us, and we had a blast! I was silly and left my camera upstairs most of the time...something about a 16 month old running around in the sand and in the surf just didn't entice me to risk the nice camera. Eli did NOT slow down...he was fearless when it came to the waves until one knocked him down pretty hard. He was a bit shier after that...but only briefly. He ran right back in the chilly and rough ocean. Saturday, when we finally pulled him from the water due to blue lips, toes, and shuddering body, he cried to go back in. Each morning, he would sit up in his pack n' play, point to the ocean, and excitedly say, "WA WA!" The sand, the sun, the waves, the food, and OF COURSE, the company made it a memorable trip. We hope to do it again soon!
Sweet Mabry and Eli playing at the water's edge
(pic by LA)

Eli lovin' on Mabry_ ___& _ _ Kent pushing the swing

1 comment:

  1. Your comments about Eli remind me of James's first trip to the beach - except that it was the Pacific Ocean instead of the Gulf. I miss St. George Island!
