Well, another month has flown by and Eli continues to astound and amaze us. He is getting taller and the hair is starting to come in a bit more. I don't know if you can tell what color it is in the pictures, but it is so beautiful. (Can I say that about my little boy?) It is a light auburn so far....a mix of brown, lots of red, and some blond. Our little baby is truly a toddler and turning into a little boy.
He definitely keeps us BUSY! He loves to run and play both inside and out. He is fascinated by nat
Nothing really BIG to report, but Eli's vocabulary is definitely booming. He is still signing and talking. His verbal vocabulary has really grown and now surpasses the number of signs he has. I finally sat down and tried to make a list of all the words he can say and sign. Combined, he's got a vocabulary of about 60 words! I was amazed at the number when I actually took the time to count. Go Eli! :) I do have to admit that a lot of his language has to be translated or interpreted by us for others to really understand, but that's normal. (I think...) He's still a pretty quiet kid when he's around others...always taking it all in and studying and observing....but he babbles up a storm with us at home. And once he's comfortable around you, he'll talk your ear off. You might not be sure of what he's saying, but he sure is! We love listening to him.
And of course, he understands so much more than he can say. This also amazes us...he surprises me almost everyday by something he knows and understands. Guess we have to really start watching what we do and say! :) He's our little copy cat! :)
Eli loves books! He likes to read his books out-loud...with inflection. (I learned this the hard way in church one night when he started "reading" really loudly during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. whoops!) He is starting to find animals and other things on the pages that he recognizes. He'll either name it, sign it, or give its animal sound. Luckily, we utilize our library often so Mama and Dada don't get too tired of reading the same books over and over.
We continue to feel blessed. I hear Matt say just about everyday, "I love him so much." And I must tell Eli 20 times a day (at least...no joke!) just how much I love him. We can't imagine our lives without him.
And of course, the monthly post always includes...a LINK to April's PICTURES.
It's like a stroll down memory lane to read your thoughts about Eli because James was doing the same things and acting the same way a year or so ago. James has also given us a few embarrassing moments in church!