Monday, April 14, 2008

An Outing in Pictures

We had a nice weekend here. It was topped off with a fantastic outing to the Tallahassee Museum (a.k.a. The Junior Museum) on a picture perfect Sunday...70 degrees and just beautiful!

People say that pictures are worth a thousand words, so I'll try to let the pictures of our trip speak for themselves.

Strolling along.........................Our little bat..............................What's in here?

Mama! Do you see the horsies?....This horse almost drenched the boys.....Checking out the goats

.................Geese!!!.............................................And a cow!

.............On to the playground.............. Even Dada got in on the fun!...Snack break with the grandparents

Eli enjoyed sharing an ice cream cone....the reactions were just too cute not to capture and share!

More, please! (see him signing?)

And....he's spent. We headed home moments after this.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a fabulous day! I really miss Tallahassee.
