Friday, October 21, 2011

When Did Life Get So Busy?

Seriously.  Once school started, I felt like I had more time on my hands with Eli back in school.  Not so much anymore.  There is always something to be done, some place to be. And as much fun as it is to document what we've been up to, I'd much rather be out, actually doing the document-able things!

So what have we been up to?  For starters, last weekend was full of soccer, a Pumpkin Festival with some friends, another lack-luster Gator game, and a trip to The Lake to spend time with our extended family.

We have also been trying to set the wheels in motion for Jude's first birthday party.  Doing our best to keep it low key and small-ish.  Definitely want to celebrate the little man's first year of life, but definitely don't want to experience stressful party planning....if that is at all possible.  We are doing a pajama party on his actual birthday.  I've been feeling happy-sad about this big event coming up so soon.

The weather took a turn this week, and we have had some beautiful fall days.  Blue skies, cooler temps, just awesome.  It makes me want to open up my windows and eat pumpkin flavored goodies....again.  Any excuse to do so, right?  I just think pumpkin tastes better when it is cold out.  Is it just me?  This morning's pumpkin treat was pumpkin pie oatmeal.

Jude and I both enjoyed it for breakfast.  While I used maple syrup to sweeten mine, natural apple sauce worked nicely for Jude.  Mmmmm!

Another week down and another weekend to live it up. I know one thing for sure, the Gators can't lose tomorrow. Haha! Happy weekend to all!


1 comment:

  1. Love that pic of daddy! Frame-worthy! AND totally checking out the pumpkin pie oatmeal. The wet cold mornings here make me want a warm breakfast. Love you! The boys are too freaking cute.
