Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I have mentioned a couple of times the rut that I'm feeling stuck in.  This rut pops up in front of me from time to time and I fall in.  I've been feeling that I am in deep this time.

Yesterday, I was crabby and moody.  I caught myself snapping at the baby for fussing.  Come on, Katie.  Really?  He doesn't deserve that.  I was feeling overwhelmed and run down.  I was feeling sorry for myself and pretty unseen. It was just that kind of a day.  (We have all been there....definitely not looking for pity.)  But the awesome part of the story, and the reason I am sharing it today is because amidst all my angst and wallowing, I escaped out to church to meet with some wonderful women and for a moment of peace.  I left both boys home with Matt, and I made time for me. During our praise, I sang the word "awaken" and it hit my core.  I sang it again, and I felt it.  I felt a tingling rise up inside of me that manifested itself as goosebumps.  I felt electric and alive.  A smile spread across my face, and I felt happy.  I can't tell you how much I needed this.  The things that were getting me down or making me feel unworthy seemed small now as I had been awakened.

I am feeling different today.  Better. Awake. The rut is still here, but I'm okay where I am in it.

(As I reread what I just wrote, it almost sounds cheesy, but hopefully the honesty of it makes it a little less cheesy)  


You know what else makes this girl feel better when she is crabby? Being crafty.  I took a little me-time to make the boys some homemade Halloween shirts....they aren't perfect, but I finished them quickly, and I think they're cute.

A skeleton for E and a mummy for J.

Yay for Halloween!  I just love this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. They're beautiful, KT! And so happy you're 'feeling better' ... keep smilin'!
