Wednesday, June 22, 2011


That was the theme for this year's VBS. Eli has been asking when Bible School starts back up, hmmm....I'd say, at least once a month since the day it ended last summer. He's a fan, for sure.

Awfully excited on Day 1, and his excitement never wavered as the week went on. He eagerly picked out a red shirt to wear each day (the color for Pre-K) and was waiting by the door to go each morning. I can't tell you how much it warmed my heart to hear him belting out this year's music as we walked to the car. Or how hard I giggled when he would misunderstand lyrics ("I am not for God" instead of "I am not forgotten" hahahaha!)

I had perma-grin driving home everyday as he would tell me all about the Bible story he learned, what games he played, what snack he ate, and what craft he made. To top it off, he would bust out singing as we listened to our CD of the songs....complete with hand motions, of course. (I honestly catch him singing the songs all the time, EXCEPT when I pull out the video camera. Wish you could hear his sweet singing and see his killer dance moves!)

And I have already heard the question, "When can I go back to Bible School?" this week. I am truly thankful for VBS. What a blessing in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. We did Pandamania this year, too!!!!! It was our first VBS and we're hooked.
