Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crazy Baby, Slow Down!

It was another eventful day in the life of Jude today. The excitement started after his second nap of the day. I walk in his room and find him standing, that's right, STANDING!!! in his crib. I ran over and and quickly scooped him up as he had already gotten two bumps in the past 24 hours from trying to pull himself up in his crib. For goodness sakes, at only 7 months old, his balance is shaky!! I also promptly told him that he was not a big boy and that he should not be standing up.

Well, when he woke up from his next nap, I went up with camera in hand. I figured he had likely ignored my comment about not growing up. Yup.

Look at that big boy. Crying his head off, but I just love seeing that super cute face peeking over the railing. Mmmm! I could just kiss that face all day long. Sometimes I do.

And then, to top the already awesome day off, he decides to figure out the coordination needed for crawling. He's been up on all fours, scooting knees, and lifting hands for a week or two now, but he couldn't seem to get the timing and direction all working at once. Well, he finally got it and crawled slowly across his blanket for some of Eli's toys (the best bait!) TWICE. Definitely not an accident. But, of course when I went for the video camera, he was too tired to perform a third time....and so close to bedtime. I'll try to capture it on camera tomorrow.

Exciting times in the life of Jude. Crazier times beginning NOW in the life of Mommy. Eek! Would somebody please tell my baby, my crazy baby, to SLOW DOWN! You are only a baby once. Live it up, Dude! Sigh. I guess he's growing up, whether I like it or not. Reason #45332 to embrace each hectic day and celebrate this season of my life. Despite my occasional desire to run away for a day or two or 17, my babies fill me up.

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