Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This dear, sweet boy has captured our hearts. Hard to believe that three years could go by so quickly.

One night, I said goodnight to my 2 year old, and the next morning,

I had to say good morning to a 3 year old.

My baby is 3! He had a fabulous day.

It all started with waking up to wrapped presents....

...and a Birthday Doughnut that he got to pick out himself.


Eli helped make and decorate his big 3 cupcake cake,

and then it was off to the park for some fun in the (chilly) sun.

After a nap, we got to celebrate with family, complete with Eli's choice of a spaghetti dinner, cupcakes, ice cream, and presents.

What a day! And the birthday celebration continues as he has and will celebrate with other friends and family throughout the next week. Gotta love the birthdays that never end. Plus, we get to celebrate Daddy's birthday tomorrow, and Jesus' birthday Friday!

Eli is our sweet boy. He is all boy, and very 3--trouble is often brewing--yet he is still compassionate and sensitive. He laughs when others are laughing and is worried when others are crying. He is fascinated by everything. I love to watch his eyes light up with wonder, his brow furrow with concentration as he is listening and processing something new, and the smile of delight as he tries something for the first time. He is getting smarter every second; some of his latest "tricks" highlight the Spanish he is learning in school. We are amazed at all he can do and say....the sentences and phrases are getting longer and longer. The cute "Eli-ese" is slowly disappearing and correct pronunciations are popping up daily. Makes me miss my baby and the words that only Mommy and Daddy could understand. His giggle is priceless and will melt hearts. Truly music to the ears. He is learning to love the Lord and says the cutest darn prayers for those in trouble and for those he loves. We love you, little man. Thanks for blessing our lives, everyday.

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