Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. -A. A. Milne
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
No More April Showers...Bring on the May Flowers
Well, another month has flown by and Eli continues to astound and amaze us. He is getting taller and the hair is starting to come in a bit more. I don't know if you can tell what color it is in the pictures, but it is so beautiful. (Can I say that about my little boy?) It is a light auburn so far....a mix of brown, lots of red, and some blond. Our little baby is truly a toddler and turning into a little boy.
He definitely keeps us BUSY! He loves to run and play both inside and out. He is fascinated by nature...always finding a critter to watch. He loves to watch birds and squirrels. We just got a new toy for outside...a sandbox! So Eli will spend many afternoons out in it, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to maybe getting some sunning and reading in while he plays in it. Maybe? Maybe I'm just dreaming...
Nothing really BIG to report, but Eli's vocabulary is definitely booming. He is still signing and talking. His verbal vocabulary has really grown and now surpasses the number of signs he has. I finally sat down and tried to make a list of all the words he can say and sign. Combined, he's got a vocabulary of about 60 words! I was amazed at the number when I actually took the time to count. Go Eli! :) I do have to admit that a lot of his language has to be translated or interpreted by us for others to really understand, but that's normal. (I think...) He's still a pretty quiet kid when he's around others...always taking it all in and studying and observing....but he babbles up a storm with us at home. And once he's comfortable around you, he'll talk your ear off. You might not be sure of what he's saying, but he sure is! We love listening to him.
And of course, he understands so much more than he can say. This also amazes us...he surprises me almost everyday by something he knows and understands. Guess we have to really start watching what we do and say! :) He's our little copy cat! :)
Eli loves books! He likes to read his books out-loud...with inflection. (I learned this the hard way in church one night when he started "reading" really loudly during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. whoops!) He is starting to find animals and other things on the pages that he recognizes. He'll either name it, sign it, or give its animal sound. Luckily, we utilize our library often so Mama and Dada don't get too tired of reading the same books over and over.
We continue to feel blessed. I hear Matt say just about everyday, "I love him so much." And I must tell Eli 20 times a day (at joke!) just how much I love him. We can't imagine our lives without him.
And of course, the monthly post always includes...a LINK to April's PICTURES.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Weekend Visitors
You know Grandpap's around when bottlecaps end up on your forehead!
And you know Grandma's around when Eli gets to try all kinds of new foods and new toys! She spoils him (in a good way!) :)
Friday night, we enjoyed the company and a yummy marsala dinner full of all kinds of spices...
(sorry for the pic of the spices, but it looked too neat to not share!)
Saturday, we headed out to the Jr. Museum again since we had such fun the last time we went. The brief rain right after Eli's nap almost scared us off, but we persevered....and we're glad we did. It was another fantastic time.
Eli got so excited to see the sheep up close. He immediately started waving hello!
We had to watch him, Eli was fearless around the animals!
But it was Grandma who actually got "goosed" by a goose! That crazy goose stuck his head through the fence and bit her shirt!! Too bad we didn't get that on any cameras! :) It was too funny!
After getting a little scared by the cow sticking his head through the fence...Eli warmed up and decided it was ok to pet its nose.
We had another great time! Matt and I ended up buying the family pass and have plans to return this summer...when the guest animal will be....Patas MONKEYS! Our little monkey will see real live monkeys!
After a delicious dinner at Ted's, we relaxed that evening. Sunday was filled with more quality time and play time. Eli was very sad to see the Grandparents leave. We can't wait for the next visit.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Mommy's Little Helper
If Mama is dusting....Guess who wants to get in on the act?
Housework is more fun with a helper! (As long as he doesn't leave a bigger mess in his "dust.") :)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We shopped for it last weekend, and made the call to the dealer on Monday. Matt picked a 5-speed, silver, Honda Accord Sedan EX-L. The leather package included a nicer stereo with XM radio and a subwoofer, dual control air conditioning, heated seats, and a couple other bonus features. (The only reason he ended up with leather was due to it being the only 5-speed anywhere nearby. It is a super treat, and we're both glad he ended up with it...) He is SO THRILLED to not be driving around the "green monster" anymore.
I keep thinking I should be more sad that my old Civic is gone....but I'm not! :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
An Outing in Pictures
We had a nice weekend here. It was topped off with a fantastic outing to the Tallahassee Museum (a.k.a. The Junior Museum) on a picture perfect Sunday...70 degrees and just beautiful!
People say that pictures are worth a thousand words, so I'll try to let the pictures of our trip speak for themselves.
Strolling along.........................Our little bat..............................What's in here?
Mama! Do you see the horsies?....This horse almost drenched the boys.....Checking out the goats
.................Geese!!!.............................................And a cow!
.............On to the playground.............. Even Dada got in on the fun!...Snack break with the grandparents
Eli enjoyed sharing an ice cream cone....the reactions were just too cute not to capture and share!
More, please! (see him signing?)
And....he's spent. We headed home moments after this.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!Thursday, April 10, 2008
Eli and I have hunted and searched in our VERY disorganized and messy garage for our big inflatable baby pool. On these nice spring days, we'd both love to be outdoors, but our yard isn't THAT conducive to lots of playing. The pool on the other that would keep Eli entertained for a LONG time. And Mama could maybe even get some reading done (and soak in some rays at the same time...)
Since we have not been successful in finding that darn pool. (We looked high and every corner and every box. It is NOT THERE! I'm sure of it! If not there, then where? Hmm... Stay tuned for a future post....hopefully....about the mystery of the missing pool.) Anyways....back to the point. I got Eli lotioned up and in his suit for a little fun in our sprinkler. Once he got over the initial shock of how cold it was, he managed to have some fun.
Until.....he discovered how to turn the hose on and off. My, how quickly he is distracted by something new and different. And for this, we love him!
New Foods
Oh yes, he can...
And he did!
Eli decided he wanted to be just like Mama and Dada and eat his corn straight off the cob. I cut him off some, and he wanted nothing to do with it. He was goin' to town and had a ball.
So many experiences had and still so many ahead.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I Stand Corrected...
Mabry testing the water out.
Eli took advantage of all the room in the pool.
The feeding frenzy!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
We've had a fun and busy month complete with a trip to the beach for the Chili Cook-Off, Easter and Aunt Ann & Uncle Mark's wedding.
Eli continues to thrive physically as well. He still doesn't pass up the opportunity to be outside and dig in the dirt. At the park, he has become quite the climber and has almost mastered big slides. His big green ball is a favorite still. Every day and night we are throwing and kicking it all around the house. Only twice have we hit the plant. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson....soon, I'm sure. Eli also has found a love for the long as it is warm. Grandma and Grandpap Carson have heated their pool, and Eli LOVES it! He has no fear, so we better teach him to swim quickly! :)
Eli and I are enjoying time off from school and tutoring due to Spring Break. Poor Dada is working hard while we have plans to "do lunch" with friends, go to the park, and even visit the Jr. Museum.
Stay tuned for more updates...but until then, enjoy pictures from March. (<---- the diff color means it is a link! click on it!)