Saturday, December 12, 2015

Our Beast

Eli finished up his second semester at Young Actors Theater. His class worked hard to prepare for their scene in the showcase. We finally got to see all of his hard work pay off. The class studied the works of Alan Menken and performed a scene, song, and dance from Beauty and the Beast.

Eli auditioned for a few roles, but was really hoping to get the part of the Beast, and he got it. We had horrible seats, so the photo quality is poor, but Eli's performance was just the opposite. It was wonderful! I was incredibly impressed with our little actor. He growled, he prowled, and he projected well.

He was a star in our book! Way to go, Eli....or should I call you, Beast?

Advent Program 2015

Jude's preschool always starts off the Advent season with a beautiful program. Two years in a row, Jude has been asked to be a Wise Man in the pageant. He loves performing all of the songs and motions. He was so proud and waved again and again once he found us in the audience. He takes his role seriously and did a wonderful job. 

My favorite part of the day was a story Jude's teacher told us when we went to pick him up after the performance. A classmate who was asked to play a shepherd was terribly nervous, and Jude took her hand and said he would help her be brave. He even gave her a pep talk right before it started. That is total heart-melting fodder right there. So so sweet.

Love this little boy so much. Love his silly spirit and the growing love and joy he has for our Savior. Truly a wonderful way to start this wonderful (though hectic) time of year.

Monkeying Around at Gym

Jude and Jonah wrapped up another semester of gymnastics. 

Jude was incredibly successful in his Superman class that goes on at the same time as Jonah's Mommy-and-Me class. The report was always that he was a hard worker and a fantastic listener. His coach was so impressed with him that he recommended him to move up to the Rocket Man class. It is big time, so he will be going twice a week for an hour each time instead of only a half hour a week. So proud of our little gymnast in the making. 

Jonah's Mommy-and-Me class was a lot of fun (and a lot of work for Mommy with Theo in tow!) Jonah is super clumsy and has very little flexibility, but he warmed up to the class more this semester. He tried a lot more apparatuses but is still very apprehensive about most of it. His favorites are the rings (a.k.a. "swing") and the trampoline (a.k.a. "trampowine"). 

One of his biggest accomplishments this session was getting more comfortable going upside-down. By the end, handstands (a.k.a. "strong arms, feet up") were one of his favorites too. 

Love my little monkeys!

Friday, December 4, 2015


We had a wonderful and family-filled Thanksgiving. As usual, we have much to be thankful for this year. Theresa and family surprised us two weeks ago and told us they would be flying in for the holiday. It was amazing to have them here. The cousins were counting down the days and hours until they would be together. 

We did our usual Thanksgiving day at The Lake. The weather was perfect and the family time was too. There was much fun to be had with more cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, a trampoline, a tree swing, climbing trees and more than enough room to run and play.

Eli adores Kelly Claire. (...and nice photo bomb by Grandpa. Haha!)
Friday was our Thanksgiving part 2 at Kristi and Steve's house with a smoked turkey (a la Steve) and delicious sides. Once again, it was just good to be together and appreciate the family and fun. 

Sadly, this poor kiddo was sick and threw up a few times Friday morning. He spent the day at home.  Quarantined. Theresa and family were flying home the next morning and couldn't risk being sick on the flight. Matt and I traded off spending the day with Jonah. No fun missing out on the fun, but you do what you gotta do. 

The rest of the cousins lived it up and partied hard. Poor (napless) Davis and even Kelly Claire were ready for bed at this point...I think the other boys would have kept on going if we let them. Tears were shed after they said their good-byes. So glad they love each other and play so well together. Hard to say good-bye, but oh so thankful they came. 

Like I said, so many things to be thankful for. God is good. 

Now we are onto Advent. It is bound to be a busy but incredibly fun month. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

20 Questions with Jude

Here are Jude's annual answers to his birthday questions:

I am missing last year's due to my blogging break, but you can see his answers from when he turned 3 here

Monday, November 23, 2015

Jude is 5!

Back on November 12th, Jude woke up 5! He woke up to a decorated door and 5's all over the house. We had donuts and candles and sang happy birthday! Hard to believe he is already this big...a whole hand!

As part of our tradition, Jude got to choose a gift to open first thing in the morning....a new backpack!  All of the boys were so excited to have a day of celebration.

I got the special treat of spending a couple hours with Jude at school that morning. He was recognized during chapel and shared birthday treats with his class. Jonah was in heaven joining in on everything too.

That evening, we had a family get together with his favorite meal, spaghetti and meatballs! And cupcakes, of course. 

The celebration continued into the weekend. Jude and I had a special date night at the theater...just the two of us. We went to see The Christmas Carol musical and then out for frozen yogurt afterwards. Love my special time with him. He was sure to pick out a special outfit saying he wanted to "look handsome" for Mommy. Sweetest little Dude. 

Tried out his new soccer goal from Grandma and Grandpa at the park on Saturday. 
And finally, Sunday was his party day. Many friends and classmates joined us at the Junior Museum to celebrate our big 5 year old, dinosaur style. He loved it from beginning to end. And Mommy loved how easy the party was. Such a great venue!

Happy birthday, Jude Dude! 

This sweet boy has a pizzaz for life and is full of spunk. All that know him, know he has a super silly side. And even though he is easily frustrated at times, he shows so much love and compassion for others. He adores big brother, Eli and wants to do everything just like him. He is a sweet big brother to both Jonah and Theo. Jude is wicked smart and is getting smarter every day. He loves to read and "do math." He is developing the sweetest heart and a passion for his Savior, Jesus Christ. We are so lucky to be his parents. God truly blessed our family with this kid.

Jude, we love you to the moon and back!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

three months old

Theo continues to fit perfectly into our family. I cannot believe how much he has grown and how fast the months are flying.

Here are some fun facts about Theo at 3 months: 

Our handsome little man is growing and thriving! He is getting too big for all of his 0-3 months clothes and is ready for size 2 diapers too (signaled by his second ever blow-out on his 3 month birthday.)

Theo had his first sleep regression this month thanks to the time change. He has been sleeping worse than he did as a newborn, but things are looking up and I think he is settling back into a better nighttime sleep pattern. (Please!) 

He is definitely awake more during the day and has started to enjoy laying on his play mat a bit. He seemed to forget how to roll over (tummy to back), but enough tummy time helped him remember that trick. The little stinker also loves to watch TV and will crane his neck to see it. 

I adore it when they conk out in the middle of playing. 

This month, Theo also celebrated his first Halloween by visiting pumpkin patches and dressing up as a lion. He was clueless but super cute and clueless. 

Theo adores it when people talk to him or sing to him. This will usually bring a smile to his face. I cannot get enough of his smiles! 

biggest smile EVA!

He continues to love his brothers and his brothers love him. Each of them asks to hold him regularly and is eager to help long as there is no crying involved....then it is a little more challenging and they are less likely to want to help...but they do anyways. Mama loves her helpers! 

Happy 3 months to you, Theo!

For fun: Jude and Jonah at 3 months