Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Month 3 in Pictures

Jonah continues to thrive and rock our world....all at the same time.  He is beyond precious and seems to complete our family. I may never have my act "together" again, but it is all good.

Sweet Jonah has gained another pound and half this month...up to about 14 pounds. The leg rolls are forming nicely and the belly is rounding out well.
He is in a size 2 diaper and transitioning into 3-6 month clothing.

He is happiest eating or being held... specifically while the person holding him is walking around, of course.

He is getting stronger and even rolled over: tummy to back a couple of times this month, but not consistently enough to make it official.

He is sleeping well with a 6-8 hour stretch to start the night, waking once, and then again between 6 and 8 for the day. This month, he has moved out of our make-shift co-sleeper and into his cradle.

A pattern for eating and napping is also beginning to develop. So far, he is the best eater {by far!!} and sleeper {fingers' crossed!!}

He loves to watch his brothers....or any fun action going on around him. He doesn't want to miss a thing!

He has started to play a little bit this month. His favorites are Mommy's fingers or a burp cloth.

He will sometimes take a paci when tired, but not usually. He does a good job finding him thumb, but can't keep it there too long. Self-soothing may not be too far off.

He is beginning to giggle a bit and......that dimple.  To die for! I hope it is for real cause I kinda love it. Too cute!

Such a delightful little one. Yup, we are smitten and in love. We are doing our best to truly savor each moment and love him as much as we can. The house is a wreck, but the baby is being cuddled. An easy trade off, if you ask me.

Facial hair already??....A sign that time is flying. It is.

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