Oh my goodness. Oh. My. Goodness! The last monthly update before my sweet baby is one. ONE. Oh my.
This month has been so much fun. In addition to celebrating his first Christmas and all the fun that goes along with the season, Jonah is learning so much and doing so many new things these days. I really love this age. (I say that about a lot of ages...) The personality starts to really shine through, and he is so stinkin' playful and cute.
I'm not kidding when I say he is learning all kinds of new things. He is officially signing. After getting a bite of Eli's birthday cookie cake, he pounded his little fists together to ask for more! Now he signs "more" all of the time...sometimes it is random and sometimes it is whenever he wants more food or even more of a person or activity. So precious. He signs milk too.
I have continued to supplement with formula and coconut milk this month. He is eating everything. The boy loves to eat. His 5th tooth cut at the start of this month which helps him chew anything I let him try. (*interesting side note: he favors his left hand when picking up food....do we have a lefty???)
Loves meat, snacks, fruit (bananas!!!), cheese, and bread. Doesn't love veggies, but will eat them. He gained another half pound and is up to 18.5 pounds. He is definitely still a peanut.
He has no serious interest in standing or walking, but the boy can crawl and cruise like crazy. He climbs well (eek!) and loves to explore...as long as Mama is nearby and watching. He has tried to stand a little bit here and there, but not really. He seems too nervous to try. Sweet boy.
Jonah has definitely become more vocal, finally figuring out how to open up that mouth to cry (scream?) a bit more. It was bound to happen. He will scream to get my attention as I am often busy bustling around the kitchen while he is in his high chair. He points at everything and says "do!" He babbles Dada and Mama more (finally) and will say "uh oh" when he drops something and "ow" when he is hurt. He will even purposely bonk himself on the head, pull his own hair, or bite his hand and then say, "owwww." And then giggle. He loves the attention.
And he gets lots of it from all of us. Jonah loves his brothers and will point at them and laugh at all of their funny antics. Eli and Jude love to try to get a belly laugh from him.
Jonah gives high fives and kisses on demand and loves to dance to music. He will bounce on his knees and flap his arms when music is on. I love a dancing baby! Adorable!!
He plays with toys more and is definitely in the dumping stage. His favorite toys to dump are the kitchen toys. He also enjoys playing with doors, swinging them back and forth. Balls are another favorite as he has figured out how to throw and roll them.
Still a fabulous sleeper. Sucks that thumb...only when he is tired and ready to go to bed. He grabs a blankie and snuggles in for a little hug and that's it. He might fuss for a minute, but rarely longer than a minute or two. I can't believe I actually have a baby that sleeps.
Jonah is truly a joy and such a happy, even-tempered baby. Can't wait to celebrate his first birthday next month....just wish it all hadn't flown by so fast.
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