Friday, January 3, 2014

Month 10 in Pictures

I hate to miss a monthly post for sweet, baby Jonah. Goodness. I have to sort through this crazy brain of mine and think back to mid-December and remember what was going on in his little world.

The little man is on the go, go, go these days….when he isn't in my arms. Jonah loves to crawl and play and pull up on anything that will support him.  He is ticklish, loves to clap, signs milk, and will sometimes wave. I adore the way he pulls his legs up to his body during diaper changes. His babbling is picking up, but he is quiet most of the time. I think he is taking it all in and is often overwhelmed watching all that is going on around him.

Jonah is a friendly baby, but when it comes down to it, he is quite shy. He continues to be incredibly clingy and gets super anxious around other adults. He will smile and flirt, but as soon as someone comes near, he clings to me and climbs up me; terrified someone may try to take him from my arms. And heaven forbid I try to put him down to play while I leave the room to go start dinner or brush my hair or fold laundry or go potty or take his picture. Man, his cry is pitiful!

Sigh. Trying to cherish how much he loves me and wants to cuddle me, but a little independence (for me!) would be nice. Haha!

Jonah is growing! Finally!! After 5 months of only gaining one pound, total, he gained a pound last month. Yahoo! I guess the little bit of supplementing with formula and even coconut milk helped. 

That and the fact that the boy loves to eat. Knowing he needed to gain weight, I have been letting Jonah eat until he is stuffed. He is so happy feeding himself. He is almost 100% self-fed with finger foods, but I still do a cereal in the morning. He also loves to suck down the pouches on his own. Though this quinoa was a hit, I think meat may be his favorites with fruit and crackers being close runners-up.

He is still tiny, overall. I find it amusing to see this little baby crawling and cruising around. Despite being 10 months old and acting 10 months old, he looks like a 6 month old. He is up to 18 pounds (on a good day) and is finally saying goodbye to size 2 diapers (as soon as we finish this box) and 3-6 month clothes. He wears 6 month, 9 month, and some 6-12 month clothes. 

This month had him teething, though you would barely know it. He cut his fifth tooth a day or so after the 10 month mark. He also had a little tummy bug…though it may have been adjusting to new food and drink. He handled it like a champ.

During one warm, muggy December afternoon, I found these on the back of his head:

I didn't think he was going to have them, but this makes me think otherwise….

Jonah, you are such a sweet, sweet boy. My little Doodle Bug. As we close in on your first birthday, I am reminded to cherish the days and moments…the good and the trying. I am trying to make the most of each day and remember the little things; the tiny details that make each day with you such a delight.

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