Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Month 2 in Pictures

Time continues to blow right on by. Jonah is a precious gift to our family and he is growing like a weed! 

At his 2 month appointment last week, our guess that Jonah was plumping up well was confirmed. Just like his brothers, he gained nearly five pounds in his first two months. He weighed in at 12 pounds, 6 ounces and measured about 22 inches long. Another short, chunky babe. It is how we make them, and I love it. Jonah's arm rolls and thighs are becoming more and more edible every day.

Jonah has been our best sleeper yet. He was sleeping 6 hours stretches at night consistently and was even up to 8 hours once or twice..........UNTIL......he got his shots. Boo! 

Those shots were awful and gave my sweet baby a decent fever that made him sleep most of the day. Ever since then, his nighttime sleep schedule has been off. I am lucky if he sleeps 4 hours in a row now. Sigh. Here's hoping he gets back in the sleeping groove soon! Please!!

This month brought a lot of firsts, starting with his first smiles. And they are just the cutest! 

He loves his tongue and if it is out, you know he is happy. He is cooing a lot and enjoys interacting. {As long as it isn't the witching hours....} Jonah is a super smiley and happy baby. Don't leave him alone for long though, he likes to know people are around.
Other firsts this month include: 1st trip to the beach, 1st baseball game, 1st time meeting Pap Pap, Grandma Lil, Aunt Ann, Lauren, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Digger, cousins Brock and Brayden, and his 1st Easter.

Jonah loves to be cuddled and nursing is his favorite. He eats 6-8 (sometimes more...) times a day/night. He is still in his 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. 

The startle reflex is still here in full force. It makes me smile. 

He is doing well and so far, no major issues. He does have a clogged tear duct that crusts up a bit here and there, a small umbilical hernia that is already shrinking, and an awful case of heat rash. I'm a little worried that if his heat rash is already this bad in April, we could be in for a long summer. He is a hot natured baby. The kid sweats. For real. 

Jonah has 2 awesome big brothers....and one that can't stand to be left out of pictures. Good thing Jude is a cuite pie too. He has definitely warmed up to having a baby around, but for the most part, still ignores Jonah's presence. I just know (hope?) that one day very soon, these two will be the bestest buddies.

We love you, Jonah Kelly! 

Stop growing up so fast though. It makes me cry. Really. 

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