Friday, January 4, 2013

Catching up on December Part 2: Santa & Cards

We saw Santa again this year, and thankfully there was only excitement from both boys. No tears. (...unlike last year) Jude kept waving at Santa from the line and couldn't wait to go up and say hi. He practiced his "Ho ho ho's" and "I be a good boy, Santa Claus" while we waited.

Once it was our turn, Jude sat quietly and smitten while Eli told Santa what he wanted. It was a quick visit, but thankfully Eli remembered that he had written a letter that we mailed to Santa. And not only did we mail Santa a letter, but Eli got one from the Big Man as well...along with a phone call. He was super excited about both.


As I mentioned in the last post, our cards went out earlier than ever this year. I was determined not to be addressing envelopes the week of Christmas. I owe much of this good fortune to the fact that I got a good picture of the boys on the first try. (...unlike last year)

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