Friday, December 2, 2011


November flew by in the blink of an eye, and it's already December. It all happened so fast.  I feel like life has been a busy blur lately, but I'm not complaining.  I am finding ways to be more thankful, more prayerful....less frustrated, less anxious.  During the month of November, our family did our best to remember what we were thankful for each night during dinner using our Thankful Board (thank YOU, Pinterest...for the idea).

I goofed many nights and forgot to ask everyone what they were thankful for that day, but hopefully we can use it in future years too...and look back at what we were thankful for in years past.  Maybe even get a little bit of a laugh.  Eli's were the most entertaining, of course:
"I'm thankful for Halloween.....for costumes....for snacks.....for my crafts....for my brother....for my family and friends...."
He got the idea of the big things to be thankful for after our modeling each night.  I was the one that really needed to be taking time to be thankful.  I have a tendency to get wrapped up in the running around and busy-ness of life...and complain.  Taking time to be thankful and grateful makes me feel a lot better.  All around. So very much to be thankful for this year.

Thankful for being able to spend quality time with my boys....and even be a little crafty.

Thankful for naps.

Naps that are so very much that you fall asleep 

Thankful for a beautiful Thanksgiving day at the lake with extended family. 

...for carefree fun, just being a kid.

 ...for a delicious dinner that everyone pitched in to make (and that Jude ate by fistfuls!)

...for my baby really walking and for cousins.

Thankful for healthy loved ones to celebrate holidays and birthdays with.

Thankful for friends.

Thankful for a brave big boy who has decided to start climbing trees.

Thankful that Advent is upon us.  May we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord.

Thankful for this blog so that I am able to look back on all of these cherished memories.  

I look forward to celebrating this Advent and Christmas season with some old and new traditions.  What a wonderful time of year.  And I am doing everything I can this year to be sure I find my joyful Christmas spirit.  I've even nearly finished all of our shopping.  So much fun to look forward to this month.  Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays!  Eli's, Matt's, and then Jesus'.  What a wonderful time of year, indeed.  Happy Advent to you all!

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