Monday, July 25, 2011


Home from another beach weekend + a rough night of sleep for the Dude = a tired Mommy today.  Eyes were actually burning and tearing with exhaustion and of course, the boys didn't nap as expected this afternoon.  I found myself brewing cup of coffee #2 and sucking it down....only to end up with a nap from both of the boys after all.  Just a little later than planned....and now I'm too hopped up on caffeine to nap anymore.  Sigh.  What's a mom to do?  Blog of course!

As I was looking through my photos seeing what still hadn't made it onto the blog, I found a mishmash of pictures that don't really relate to one another at all.  Figured I'd dump them all into one post and be done with it. Enjoy the randomness.

A couple weeks ago, Eli went to a camp at a local children's theater in the afternoons.  It was smack in the middle of nap time which caused some "drama" of our own at home, but it was still a lot of fun.  The theme was "Pirates and Princesses" which was right up Eli's alley.

Friday, the campers got on stage to showcase for the parents a little of what they had been working on all week.  Eli wowed us by announcing his pirate name ("Captain") , clapping rhythms, and dancing a routine. My favorite, heart-melting moment was when he stopped mid-dance to wave to us and sign "I love you."  So proud of our budding young actor.

Dressing up and playing pretend is a favorite of Eli's as he loves to change his outfits and costumes multiple times each day.  One morning he bounded down the stairs announcing he was an army man.

Who cares if the temps push 100 degrees each day.  He was so proud of the costume he'd created.  He was so committed to camo, that even his undies were camouflage.  Another morning, Eli decided everyone should be a pirate,


.....even Jude.

Every time we pull out a bin of clothing with the next size up for Jude, Eli loves asking if he wore each item.   The robot jammies were a definite favorite of ours. 

 He couldn't resist seeing if they still fit.  A little short, don't you think? Quite a handsome (and adorable) pair!

Jude is on his feet a lot these days.  He tries to pull up on anything and everything.  Even got himself his first bruise last Friday as he loves to let go with one hand, but lost his balance and spun around to collide with the column in our great room.  Bonk.  Since then, I must admit, he's taken several spills and bonked his head a few places.  It hasn't slowed him down a bit.

And finally....the big boy is officially on table food for dinner each night.  He loves him some tofu and veggies. 

What a little stinker!  I could eat him up!

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me:) My last blog was a bunch of random pics! Also, super tired over here! Whats up with these babes not sleeping...
