Wednesday, March 16, 2011

4 Months, Already!

Hard to believe that another month has flown by. I definitely still feel like time is passing more quickly with two kids than it did with one. Jude was officially 4 months old this past weekend.

He continues to be a very happy and content baby. If only he'd sleep...

Thank goodness he's cute, that's what I always say. When I'm tired and frustrated about getting up in the night or his lack of naps during the day, he can quickly make me forget all of that with his giant grins and his full out giggles.

We have found some tickle spots this month and the giggles are the sweetest sounds.

Jude had his 4 month appointment last week, and he is doing great; hitting all the necessary milestones and then some. I always hate when it is time for shots, but he barely cried at all. A champ for sure!

He weighed in at 15 pounds, 2 ounces....a little below the 50th percentile, and was almost 25 inches long. He is still a little short for his weight, but it just makes for super edible thighs. They are HUGE. Love them! And of course, the Carson noggin is dominant again, as his head size was the 75th percentile. Gotta hold all those brains, right? And for a fun comparison, we looked back at Eli's stats at 4 months...Eli had nearly 2 pounds on Jude at this age. Crazy. Eli was definitely a chunk.

This month, Jude has continued to be vocal and loves to have all out conversations with anyone who will listen. He loves to scoot and squirm and enjoys being put down to play. He is still silly about rolling....he can do it tummy to back, but seems to be scared of it. The smarty pants has learned how to stop himself mid-roll.

He loves to interact and play with others. Eli is a favorite, and he loves his Daddy too.

Toys are becoming a bit more interesting to him now that he has more hand control. I got out the exersaucer this week, and he seems to like it....but quickly gets overwhelmed with all there is to look at and do.

Of course, Eli had to get in (while I was washing the seat) and check it out too. Goof ball!

As I've already mentioned, sleep is elusive and inconsistent. Gone are the days of 6-7 hour stretches at night. I got a 5 hour stretch last night for the first time in over a week, and it was glorious. More typically, he is doing between 2-4 hour stints; getting up 2-3 times a night. Mama's tired. Like I said, it is a good thing he's cute. We are still swaddling him at night, and it doesn't look like he'll be ready to give that up anytime soon.

Naps are short and random. He sleeps whenever and wherever, but never for very long anymore. The paci rarely works anymore either. It was nice while it lasted. He still loves his hands and his fingers (or knuckles, or entire fist) are often in his mouth...not usually sucking on them, but gnawing away. Teething has begun. And oh the drool.

Such a sweet age and the personally is blossoming. There are sure to be more fun adventures in store this month, but more than anything, I hope he learns to sleep more! Here's hoping...


  1. awesome pictures kt! he is getting so big. i can't wait to see him in a few short weeks. it's crazy. i thought he looked so much like eli when he was born, but he is starting to look like his own person. something about the set of his eyes is so striking. he is so freaking cute. can't wait to cuddle some giggles out of him!

  2. Great pics!! :) Norah would do the same thing with sleep and napping (and lack thereof). She just wouldn't sleep with all the action in the house. The baby books say that little babies sleep 16 or 20 hours a day... yeah right!! :D Hang in there! We are just getting to a phase where Chris and Norah can play together, and it is absolutely wonderful. They actually amuse each other some of the time.
