Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No More Monkeys....

....swinging from table tops!

As we were finishing up dinner and getting ready to leave a restaurant on Sunday night, our CRAZY monkey decided he should try to swing from a table. Before anyone could jump up to stop him, the table pulled down off of its ledge and landed on Eli's face....along with all of the condiments on top of the table.

There were tears, fears, and panic attacks had by the boy (and his parents). Thanks to Aunt Kristi's calm, we were able to assess the damages:

This is the following afternoon, so the swelling was coming down at this point. It could have been SO MUCH worse. It is not a fun scene to play over and over again in your mind. It was an event that makes you question your parenting...."if only we had made him stay in his seat until we were walking to the door"...."if only we had made him get out from under the table"....."if only..."

He's been a champ, and despite a late and traumatic night, he was ready for school the next morning. He (a little too proudly) told his classmates what happened. They seemed to agree that it was not a good idea. Hopefully he learned his lesson as he only gets to eat soft foods until those teeth tighten up again. Time for Chef Mommy to get creative (...since he doesn't like soup or mashed potatoes.)

Again, we feel blessed that it wasn't any worse. Thank you, Jesus! Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. OH NO!! Poor Eli! and poor Mommy and Daddy! How scary :(
