Friday, June 4, 2010

Our Gang of Four

We are excited to share our wonderful news.....our trio will be a quartet in November!  Of course and as expected, we are THRILLED!

We got to see our little "Jellybean" for the first time back in April at about 9 weeks, and then again in May.  Now we have to wait until July to see the 'bean again.

It truly amazes me how fast babies develop.  During our first peek, we got to hear the heartbeat (always amazing!!) and see what looked just like a jellybean....hence the nickname.  3 and a half weeks later, there was a head, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes.  CRAZY and SUPER COOL! Obviously the work of the Father.

We shared our happy news with immediate family on Easter Sunday.  It was fun to watch family figure out his shirt and put the pieces together.  For the out-of-towners, we sent them a picture of E in his shirt.  Eli is definitely excited about Jellybean and prays for the baby every night.

Currently 16 weeks.  All is progressing well, and I am feeling ok. 

Of course, this also means we can no longer call our blog, The Carson Trio.  We have renamed the blog Our Gang of Four and moved to

We welcome your prayers in the coming months as Jellybean continues to grow and develop.  We feel incredibly blessed and thankful.
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Psalm 139:13


  1. KT and Matt--- PRaise the Lord for this awesome gift! I am so very happy for y'all! Have the new site bookmarked and in my reader!!!

  2. That is just the greatest news! We are so excited for your trio to become a gang! Cousins so close in age will be so fun! Yay!

  3. CONGRATS!!!! I look fwd to hearing more updates:) Prayers for a safe and happy pregnancy and birth
