Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's Here!

Summer is here!  It officially arrived last Friday with the last day of school.  Eli's class had a Messy/Water Day to celebrate the start of summer.

Just too much fun!

The past few years, Memorial Day weekend has been our summer kick-off weekend, and this one was no different.  We loaded up the car and headed to Atlanta to visit my bride-to-be sister, Lindsey and her beau, Matt B.  It ended up being a mini family gathering (minus Susanna.....WE MISSED YOU!!!!) because Kristi and Ricky were attending the P.A. conference there that weekend, so Theresa, Asher, and my parents all came too.  It is always great to have so many of us in one place.

Saturday, we hit the VERY CROWDED, but fun, Georgia Aquarium.
Asher and Eli had fun watching all the fish exhibits.  I think it was Ricky that said, it must be like taking drugs to a baby....watching all these fish swim by.  BIG ONES!  Thinking you can reach out and touch them, but you can't. 

Can't you just hear that little baby brain saying, "Whoooaaa!" ?

Very fascinating and a fun outing, for sure.

Back at Z and B's place for dinner, we managed to pull off a surprise engagement party for them.  Surprises are great!

Even if Eli tried to give us away.  "Come in here so we can say surprise." That kid.

Eli and Asher loved spending time together, as usual.  Lots of reminding Eli to be gentle and to remember that Asher's little.  Don't take his toys from him, share, etc. Overall, they did fabulous together.  Asher seems to love Eli as much as Eli loves him.  The squeals of delight whenever Eli was around was a giveaway.

We arrived back to Florida and were greeted by the heat.  As if on cue, on June 1st, the temperatures seem to hit the 90's and have not looked back.  We were thankful for a mild May...but the summer heat (and afternoon storms) are definitely here.  We hope to spend many of our summer days with friends by a pool, like we were lucky enough to do today.

Besides the fun and friends, the thing I am most looking forward to about summer is....taking our time.  No rushing to get ready and out the door for school each day.  I plan to keep us busy, but we will be on our own schedule.  I adore sitting on the couch and relaxing first thing in the morning. So exciting!  I don't think I can express how excited I truly am that summer is here.  It is going to be fun!  So many things to do...I just hope we can squeeze it all in.

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