Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let's GO!

Eli is having his first VBS experience this summer.  Our church has an amazing turn out with over 200 kids participating.  While the first day, he had a rough time saying good-bye to Mommy, Eli quickly wiped his tears and jumped into the entire experience willingly and with both feet.  (It definitely helped that the first activity had him putting M&Ms into a snack mix!)

He is having fun, and after forgetting his "friend-making powers" (as he referred to them....) the first day, he has been making friends and loving it. He has come home singing all of the songs and doing the dances.  We got a CD of the songs they are learning, and it has been on repeat in the car all week long.  I love hearing him saying to himself, "God's Word is TRUE!  Let's GO!"  He tells stories about Peter being in jail and the man who couldn't walk being carried to the temple.  VBS has been everything I hoped it would be.  I am just sorry it isn't longer than one week.  (And Mommy has been enjoying her mornings to run errands and meet friends for breakfast too....just an added bonus.)

1 comment:

  1. very cool:) my sister is the preschool craft leader, and another sister is helping her out. i'll be coming back soon; i'll keep you posted.
