Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We Caved

I don't know if you've noticed, but Eli's hair has finally started to grow...and the curls are glorious. I have to admit that I love getting comments from loved ones, friends, and even strangers about how awesome his hair is. But we need to be honest....it's beem getting a *little* ratty looking.

That curl in the back of his head = a corkscrew. A corkscrew that would rear its ugly head as a "rat tail" when wet. And the "fly backs" on the side of his head....a little too 70's by today's standards.
So we caved...

...we cut.

Not a lot, but we did trim the front, sides, and back. We left all the curls on top completely intact. I think that is the only thing that made me ok about it all. Here, see for yourself:


and a few AFTER
Pretty cute, huh? I think he looks a little older. What do you think?

....and yes, we saved the corkscrew.
(That was the reason for the ribbon in the "before" pic.)


  1. I think he looks older, too. I'm thinking about taking a beard trimmer to James's head - it's just way too hot here and I've done a mediocre job of cutting his hair with scissors.

  2. He looks adorable .. my little man!


    PS: Glad you saved first cut.
