Monday, June 15, 2009

Candy Snatcher

Just a funny story to share...

Yesterday, I was doing laundry in preparation for packing. I was transferring it from the washer to the dryer. Our laundry room is directly off our great room...where Eli was playing. When I turned around, Eli was no where to be seen. I called for him, and he answered, as he's been trained to do..."Here I am, Mommy!" The answer came from behind a closed master bedroom door. As I turned the handle to the bedroom to see what he was up to in there, I heard a quick and frantic, "Don't find me!" I look at the wide-eyed guilty little guy as he has just popped a peppermint found on the nightstand into his mouth and crunched down on it. He knows he is not allowed to eat hard candy. I made him spit it out and the drama ensued.

Later that night, Eli is having trouble sleeping, so Daddy goes up to talk to him.
Daddy, I'm sad.

Why, Eli?

Cause I cannot have candy.
Daddy talked to him about maybe breaking the candy up and being able to have some tomorrow after he eats dinner.
After I eat my broccoli. I eat my carrots and my noodles and my chicken. Then I can have some candy?


We will have to look all over the house for it. We will have to look on Mommy's side of the bed and everywhere.
That little booger! Gotta love him...and gotta watch him like a hawk!