Friday, August 23, 2013

Lens Mama

I decided to take a photography e-course this summer. And I think it officially was the bug that bit me good and hard to go further with my hobby of taking waaayyy too many pictures of my boys to the next level. I want to take better pictures. I want to edit better. I think there are more e-courses in my future.

But back to this e-course, Lens Mama. It was offered by a friend of mine that I have known since middle school (?), Darrah Parker. She is an incredibly talented photographer whose work I have always admired. Her class seemed perfect for me and was very affordable. I decided to take my first e-course. And now I want to take more.

The 10-day long course had us focusing on ourselves, as mothers, and finding beauty in our day to day....through the lens of a camera. I was encouraged to try different angles, focus on composition, zoom in, and zoom out. Each day, I got an email with a gentle nudge to try something new or different or a reminder to look harder. It helped me through some tough summer days when I felt I was on the verge of losing it........yes......we all have those days. Don't we? Well, this course helped me find the good amidst the mess.

I wanted to document my assignments. I was proud of the work I did with my {iPhone} camera and within myself....

Day 1 - Focus on routines: Jude taking time to enjoy a good read while doing his business on the potty. Very much routine around here.

Day 2 - Focus on our mess: The annoying dumped bin of cars. It has been dumped out daily this summer and left behind at nap time. It bugs me as I see it from across the room, but I tried to find some beauty in it....and I left it there. Some messes need to be left alone so that other moments can be had.

Day 3 - Focus on our people and their emotions: As with most kids, mine have intense emotions, both high and low...and lots of in betweens... throughout any given day. Capturing them in that moment was a delightful challenge. Joyful rainy day puddle jumping, discovering your toes for the first time, post-nap grumpies, and just plain silliness were just of a few of the emotions I saw that day.  

Day 4 - Focusing on ourselves:  Self-care. Something I definitely don't do enough. Being in that stage where the baby exclusively nurses, I barely have a moment to myself. I don't even get to pee alone! So, shutting the bathroom door for a few minutes and cleaning up my brows was the extent of my self-care that day. Amazing how something so small can feel so good.

Day 5 - Focusing on play:  At 6 years old, Eli rarely lets himself fall asleep for naps anymore, but even his play broadcasts how sleepy he feels midday.

Day 6 - Focusing on the details: Zooming in to capture the sweet details of our babes as they keep getting bigger. Even though their parts don't stay tiny, the details are still just as sweet. Chubby two-year old fingers working a puzzle like a pro, watching Daddy mow, and nighttime nursing concentration (complete with my favorite--knuckle dimples!).

Day 7 - Focus on being grateful: Taking time to zoom out and see the bigger picture. That is often what is needed to find the good in a very hectic or stressful day. We were thankful the the warm sun had finally chased the ever-present rain clouds of our summer away so that we could go swimming.

Day 8 - I. Was. Here.: Boy o'boy am I guilty of always being the photographer and never getting in the pictures myself. I am always so critical of how I look in them and often delete them, but I know that one day I look back and wish I could see myself in the memories we created. Selfies. I don't like them. I don't even really like other people's selfies. I am not a fan of them in general. But I tried. On this day, we were having a day. You know the kind. When everyone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and there have already been 6 meltdowns before breakfast. It was a tough one, but we managed to make the most of it, and I found a way to find find joy and smile....eventually.

Day 9 - Patting ourselves on the back:  My sweet Eli can be tough to parent, but I guess I haven't messed up too badly if he will still reach out to hold my hand. Sometimes the triumphs are small, but they are there and they are good. 

Day 10 - Focus on what we want to remember:  It's that time of day. Baby wants Mommy. Baby needs Mommy. Only Mommy will do. Bedtime is nearing, but then Baby will need Mommy one or two or maybe even three or four times throughout the night. I got this....for now. The season is short and I won't wish it away. For now. 

Thank you, Darrah. Thank for for a fabulous 10 days. The course truly moved me to find joy, peace, beauty and contentment where I didn't always see it. And I get to remember it because I was encouraged to capture those moments. It was powerful to be a part of a community of Mommies for these 10 days and peek into their realities through their beautiful images. Always good to know that we are not alone. And that we can all be in it together. Supporting and encouraging each other. 

I now desire to do this more. On my own. ....and to take some more photography classes too.

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