This precious thing has been learning to sleep better. I am thrilled to report that after less than a week of "training" (and I use that word very loosely) Jude is now (usually) taking regular naps in his crib and is doing pretty well at putting himself to sleep. I lay him down, twist up his "Jesus Loves Me" lamb, give him a paci, hold his sweet face for a moment, and walk out. He fusses, but more often than not, will put himself to sleep. I do have to go in from time to time to help settle him, but 2 out of 3 times, I walk out of the room before he is asleep. This is big stuff.
And at night, he is out of his swaddle and just in a sleep sack. Instead of waking up 4-6 times a night to eat twice, we are down to 2-4 times a night and eating only once. Baby steps. I am so happy that he is doing so well. It just took a little bit of effort, but it was as if he was ready for this step. So proud of our littlest man.
He has also figured out how to get water up the straw of his sippy cup. He had been playing with the cup and gumming the straw, but early this week, I heard gulping sounds and found his chest soaked with all of the water that didn't get swallowed. Haha!
Other fun news is that he continues to sit very well and can even sit himself up from an incline. Last week I found him like this in his bouncy seat:
Thank goodness I had him buckled! Needless to say, it has been packed away. I even had to take away his sleeping wedge, but thankfully his reflux has really started to settle down. I had read that it often is gone by around 6 months, and it looks like that may be true for Jude. I have given him his meds only a handful of times in the past month.
Now, I can't forget all the exciting stuff happening in Eli's world too. Trying to focus on all the good stuff going on with this kid and quickly move on from and forgive the disrespectful and disobedient-type behaviors that have spiked in the past week or two. It was exciting last week when E finally mastered skipping (he has been working on this for soooooooooooo long!) and snapping within days of each other.
He is overjoyed and can be seen skipping everywhere he goes these days. Sometimes even snapping while skipping. Fancy stuff.
And after many many MANY trips to our local library to check out books, Eli got his own library card. A privilege that he is very proud of.....but now we have to work hard NOT to lose it!
Last but not least, the kid can count to 100!! And he successfully did so several times on his car ride down to the beach with his grandparents, Aunt Kristi, and Uncle Steve last weekend. They said he talked the ENTIRE drive down. (Why do you think we offered to let him ride with you? heehee! With Jude asleep, our car was quiet. Ahh!)
It has definitely been a week booming with energy and excitement.