Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We are all about getting ready these days. This morning, we were getting ready for school to start back up.

Eli packed and unpacked his backpack over and over yesterday in preparation for the big day. E absolutely loves school and was eager to get out the door and on our way this morning.

I could barely get him to stand still. He was was jumping and running all over the yard. Too excited about being a "Triangle" in class this year.

Cause you know, "Triangles have 3 sides, and I'm 3!" Today was what our school calls Gradual Entry Day. Basically that means it is a shortened day and the parents stay with the students in the room to help them adjust and be ready for a successful year.

At first, Eli was excited that I would be with him today, but then quickly realized that he didn't need me. I actually watched him walk towards me, catch my eye, and then turn on his heels and go the opposite direction.

Made me smile. I know this is 1) because he loves his school...after all, with me working there, he has grown up there, and 2) he feels secure. A job well done.

Now that he is settled in, I get to start teaching tomorrow. Hoping I have as great a first day as E did...and that the exhaustion isn't too ridiculous.

And while on the subject of getting ready....we are still slowly, but surely getting ready to welcome Jellybean into our family. The final trimester is here and it is time to get cranking! The final months will fly by and November is going to be here before we know it...especially now that school has started.

Eli got his first practice at being a big brother when we were lucky enough to visit our friends, the Popes, as they just added #3 to their loving family. Baby Banks was born in the wee hours Sunday morning. Eli couldn't stop staring at Banks as he slept in his bassinet. He was in awe of how tiny he was and all of his tiny parts.

He was excited to be able to hold the baby, and couldn't help but try to find all of his tiny parts.

"Mommy, his feet are so TINY!" Eli was so sweet with the new baby; gently caressing his forehead and cheeks. He's getting ready to be a super big brother. I just know it.

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