Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last and First

Imagine a gigantic frowny face on me as I announce that this is our LAST official week of summer. Mommy goes back to work (pre-planning) on Monday. School starts the following week. Luckily, being a part-timer, I still get a somewhat flexible week...hopefully it will be a gradual re-entry into the school schedule. NOT looking forward to the early mornings with no couch potato time. This preggo Momma has really been enjoying the ability to have lazy mornings.

In the meantime, we are living it up this week....or as much as we can. After church on Sunday, we decided to use some of our tokens at Fun Station. The boys enjoyed zipping around the Go-Kart track a few times.

Watch the road, Little Dude!

And this week, despite having a lot to do at the house...I am determined to squeeze in as many play dates as possible. We have had an incredible time playing with all of Eli's buddies this summer and hate that it is coming to an end. Gotta make the most of it.

Today we were grateful for more time with Kent and his mommy, Jill. They were so sweet to watch Eli while I went and did my glucose screening (ew!) Eli and I were both incredibly grateful that he didn't have to sit the 1 hour+ that it takes for the test. And then they invited us to join them for a swim. YES!!

The pool has been a favorite hangout spot for us this summer. The perfect way to beat the heat, for sure.

Love these kiddos!!! Thanks again for the fun day and for playing with us.

So, yes, this is the LAST of our summer. Eli is getting into the school frame of mind with this awesome old desk that Grandpa Snyder fixed up, cleaned, and improved just for Eli.

He LOVES it! The plan is for it to go into his new bedroom (more to come on that....it is a S L O W process) when it is finished, but for now, he watches his shows in it, works in it,

and even wants to eat his meals in it. It is safe to say that Eli adores his new desk. Thanks, Grandpa!

And finally....we are wrapping up Summer 2010 with Matt and I celebrating 10....yes indeed...10 years of marriage on Thursday. In celebration of the decade we have been married, we decided to take a trip to a place neither of us has ever been before, but not too far away. We settled on Charleston, SC. I am just tickled with excitement about this trip. There is a lot to do to ready ourselves to leave by Thursday evening. Most of that deals with getting Eli ready for his FIRST time without both of his parents. We have never both left him before. His first question when I told him he'd be having a sleepover at Aunt Kristi's this weekend (something he's been asking to do for a while now) was, "Where are you going?" Smart little cookie. He is excited, and we are thankful that Aunt Kristi is willing to watch our munchkin so that we can have a romantic weekend getaway. I am looking forward to the time, but I'm sure I'll miss Eli a bit (ok...a bunch) as well. Just hope he doesn't show his "trying 3" side to Aunt Kristi too much, and that she'll offer to keep him again for us one day (i.e. when Jellybean is born). A wonderful way to wrap up a wonderful and fun-filled summer.

1 comment:

  1. You are so welcome! I LOVED the pics of the boys at the pool! You will have to send them to me! The desk is awesome!!! Have a fantastic weekend! You deserve it!!
