Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Almost Wedding Time!

So, we are doing more getting ready this week for Aunt Lindsey and Matt B.'s super duper wedding extravaganza this Saturday. Lots to do and check off of our lists in preparation for the big day. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief today when my bridesmaid dress arrived, and after too many snafus, it finally fits! Yahoo!! With 4 days to spare. Don't look too closely at it....but hey....I have a dress. Won't bore you all with the details of the nasty dress debacle.

We can't wait to celebrate and party it up this weekend to celebrate the beautiful couple.

Eli is frenzied with excitement and has been counting down the days. He has even shed a few tears because the day isn't getting here fast enough. Maybe all the excitement has made him forget how to use the toilet....won't even tell you how many accidents the boy (who has been potty trained for OVER A YEAR) had yesterday. Oh, Lord, please grant me patience.

On a fun-you-know-that-fall-is-getting-nearer note: I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season this morning.

(yes, yes, I know they technically can make it year round, but I like to wait until it is back in the line up....seems earlier and earlier each year.)
Decaf, non-fat, no-whip, of course. Mmmmmm. Heavenly. And it totally made my morning.

Don't think I'll be back to blog again this week, but hopefully next week with some fabulous wedding moments and photos to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't sweat the accidents. I know it's annoying, but James went through the same thing. The doctor said sometimes they have bladder spasms, and it's temporary and usually just goes away. If you are worried about it, though, you can have E go to the potty every hour. That helped J get back on track.

    Love you!
