Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have three totally unrelated topics to blog about. I feel silly creating 3 posts on the same day, so pardon the randomness...but I wanted to share!


This is what happens when you let toddlers drink hot chocolate out of a mug instead of a sippy cup.

From February 2009
Ahhhh...the joys of motherhood.
(and I could not even be mad...It was bound to happen, right?)

Look What He Can Do!

The weather has warmed up a lot this week, and it has been beautiful. I think Eli and I have spent over an hour outside the past two days, and mostly on his bike.

From February 2009
He has officially figured out the whole pedaling thing.

From February 2009
Sometimes he needs a little nudge to get started, but his little legs have got it down and are getting stronger everyday!

We're In!

It is official! For our faithful blog-followers, you may remember Matt's practice batches of chili during football season in hopes of entering the St. George Island Chili Cook-Off. Well, we're in! Matt sent in the registration this week. Now, it is crunch time... We have the final weeks before the cook-off all scheduled out. The batch this weekend was nearly perfect.

From February 2009
Good to the last drop!

Just a little tweaking to be done this weekend, a weekend off, and then a dry run of what will happen on the actual day. We'll cook that batch outside, within the time limits, the real deal. Let us know if you want to come over and be a taste-tester. We love input!

And if you happen to be in the area and want to come on down to St. George Island the weekend of March 7th, we'd love to see you. You won't be disappointed...great chili, and even better people watching! Truly an experience. Last year, the weather was picture perfect, so we're hoping for more of the same. We are getting very excited!


  1. march 7??? ahh!! i'm going to be at st. george the next week! well, i guess this just means that i'll have to come up with some other excuse to see you guys. :)

  2. March 7th may be too soon, but I would love a Pope/Carson/Hanlon weekend again!

  3. Well, Good Luck and God Bless Ya. I am positive it will be a great batch of chili and a wonderful time. Wish we could be there.

    Mom & Dad C.

  4. Is that kid cute or what !!

    Grandma C

  5. KT,
    Where on the island? If I am no longer coughing, I would love to see you guys. xoxo, minn
