It is one of his newer words/phrases from the month of July...I thought I'd try to come up with a quick list of things Eli's *lubbin'* this month.
- Waving hello to his friends, dogs, strangers, whoever will watch his frantic wave.
- Paying for our stuff, preferably with my card (he swipes - or tries - and pushes the green button), but cash works too.
- Carrying his own "mun" (a.k.a. money - pennies or other coins)
- Doing the GATOR CHOMP when he hears the song or sees a Gator head...he's ready for football season!
- Saying "me-me" (a.k.a. excuse me) while putting his hand to his mouth after he - or anyone else - burps. Or he'll even fake burp just to be able to say it.
- Jumping - or at least trying to! (even into the pool to Grandma!!!)
- Running around in circles
- Playing hide-and-seek
- BIG friends! Eli has learned that older friends (i.e. adults or college-age) are more fun to play with...they share so much better, and often give him whatever wants. He's struggling with sharing and taking turns right now. Especially if it is his most favorite baby!!!
- CHEESE - he'll even ask for it in complete sentences. ("I want cheese." "I like cheese!")
- His newest toy, the "mon mower" a.k.a. lawn mower. He is the cutest thing pushing it around the house. Eventually it will be an outside toy, but for now, I never wonder where he is...I can always hear!
- Pretending to vacuum with the tennis racket--humming along while pushing it all around, under tables, and into corners.
- Pretending in general - being a doggie and cooking (and tasting...of course!) are other faves.
- His bath/books/bed routine at night. I'm loving this stage where he enjoys getting ready for bed and goes to sleep easily on his own...and STAYS asleep all night! Not sure how long it will last until he starts trying to delay bedtime...but for now, I'll relish it!
- Being silly!
- Finding horsies around town
- Looking for motorcycles
- Counting...he can only do 1,2 consistently right now. He loves 5 and 10, but struggles with the numbers in between. He also knows that fun things happen on 3! You will often hear, "1, 2, whee!!" and he doesn't mean 3. :)
- Coloring
- Asking for "one more"
- BOOKS! He loves to find things in the pictures that he can say, sign (still signing a bit here and there), or make the sound (for animals or vehicles).
- Doing hand motions or signing songs while Mama (or any other willing vocalist) sings.
- Signing (not singing...) the alphabet - Z is his favorite...all the others are not recognizable
- Doors, (keys in) locks, and drawers (especially in the kitchen and bathroom)
- Banging on his Lego tub while singing an Eli-inspired, "Mon, mon, mon maway!" (or something like that)
We start the school year soon. Eli and I will be going to school every morning this year. (inner self: what was i thinking? oh how i will miss our mornings with nothing to do. lounging around, taking our time, and staying in jammies all morning! we'll just have to live it up on the weekends!) We have lined up some college girls to play with Eli while I work. It should (*hopefully*) work out perfectly.
July was an eventful month...the beach, NC, and Mama's trip to CO (follow-up post to come soon!) Check out July's Snapfish album if you wanna. I really do hope to write the wrap-up for our First Annual Sister Trip SOON! Stay tuned....
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