Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Winter Sun

This winter has been a crazy one, weather-wise....and otherwise. The polar vortex has been taking the entire country by storm, and Florida was not left out. But between the blasts of chilly air and rainy days, we have had gorgeous sunny, winter days. Blue skies, dryer air, and plenty of sunshine with temperatures getting well into the 70s. I think we may have even hit 80 one day. Perfect for getting out and enjoying the day. We do our best to take advantage of these days when we can.

Jonah has become more and more mobile...still not walking, but getting much more confident in moving around. Outside has become a favorite place for him to try out his new skills. He loves everything about it...the sun, the breeze, the trees, the critters, and even eating the dirt and grass.

We've had bubble blowing fun. What a perfect first birthday present. Jonah was mesmerized by the bubbles and would giggle and squinch his eyes shut as they flew all around him. And of course, Jude was more than happy to help provide the bubbles and fun. He is sure this gift belongs to him.

Eli got to test out his balance, coordination and bravery on the Tree-to-Tree course again at the Junior Museum. (Thanks for having such a fun birthday party, Kent!) He rocked it. He is desperate to be big enough to do the higher course. Thankfully, for Mommy, he is a few years away still.

One morning, I finally gave in to the begging, and let Jude change in to his swim trunks and flip flops to play in his water table. Why not? It was a gorgeous day, and the boy loves anything to do with water and mud. 

Our sandbox has been getting a lot of use as well. Jonah is the newest member of the fan club. I cannot wait to get him to the beach again (soon!). He is going to be in heaven. And of course, if Jonah is in the sandbox, Jude has to be too. Can't let little bro have all the fun, now can he? 

More, more, Mommy! He really does love it.

But along with the crazy weather has come a lot of other crazy. We just can't seem to stay healthy and well around here these days. Our latest victims include Eli and his broken foot. 

He is in a {glow-in-the-dark and camo} cast for a month and on crutches for a week. Sadly, he missed his karate belt test and the start of baseball practices. Eli has been looking forward to both, but he is doing great and taking it all pretty well. The lack of activity is starting to take its toll, and it might be a very long month. 

Jude has also fallen victim to Scarlet Fever for the second time this year.  He tested positive for strep and had the start of the rash. Thankfully, we caught it pretty early and he is on his third round of antibiotics in 2014 (2 cases of scarlet fever sandwiched a double ear infection with ruptured ear drum....)

Between all of the illness and brokenness, I have become a regular at the doctor's office and the staff just loves us now. I am hoping that after this batch of yuck, we will be done for a while. 

The rain and cold are back again too, but we know it won't stay for long. The sun will be back out again soon. Spring is on its way. 

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