Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thank You

Thanksgiving is up there as a favorite day for me, and for Matt too. So much has changed for our family in the past 6 or 7 years. The holidays come on quickly and are a bit of a whirlwind with children. Add a bunch a birthdays to this time of year and the loss of precious loved ones, and it is one big giant roller coaster of emotions. Incredible highs and some pretty serious lows.

But I can say one thing without any doubt. I love taking a "Time Out" on Thanksgiving. Taking time to be with family. Taking time to be thankful for all the big and not-so-big things in our lives. Taking time to just BE. And for those reasons, I say, "Thank You."

Thank you for quality {crafty} time with the boys.

Eli was thrilled about the idea of sewing each of the leaves onto the garland.

Jude was not a very good helper when it came to making the pilgrim hats.

Thank you for our health.

We got up early and head out for the Turkey Trot with Aunt Kristi, Uncle Steve, Aunt Z, and Uncle Matt B. It was Eli's first 5K, and he did it! He ran the first mile in about 10 minutes and walk/jogged the rest.

Endurance Imaging captured this awesome shot of him running...not sure I'm allowed to post a copy here, but I'm giving them all the credit!!!

Thank you, Aunt Kiki and Uncle Steve for keeping up with him/sticking with his pace. He was beyond proud of himself and kept saying all day that he was so proud to have finished.

Thank you for time with amazing family. 

Such genuine love and real fun.

Both Eli and Jude love spending time with the extended family out at their lake property. 

Cousins! It is all Jude could talk about on the drive home as he was exhausted from the fun day. Over and over he would say, "cousins."

Thank you for God and His beautiful reminders of goodness and grace.

Thank you for family traditions.

We put up the tree and decorated it the Friday after Thanksgiving. Both boys were excited to be in on the action this year.

Now, if we can just keep Jude's hands off of it. I think he is starting to understand as he told me today, with a wag of his finger, "No, no touch."

Thank you for the Gators pulling off a win in that crazy, intense game.

Ok, maybe that one didn't deserve to go on such a thoughtful list, but it sure will make living in enemy territory a lot easier this year.

The boys and I watched it with Grandma and Grandpa while Daddy and the rest of the gang went to the game. We took advantage of halftime and got outside just before sunset for some much needed wiggle time.

So glad when it was finally over and we could safely celebrate the victory. Go Gators!

As usual, so much to be thankful for this time of year....and all year long. When days are long and I'm feeling ragged, I need a little nudge to take the time and realize that I am truly thankful. For the big things and the little things. 


  1. i love seeing your sweet family! Those boys are precious!

  2. Sounds fabulous!

    I love that your boys have the same matching Christmas pjs that we do! :)
