Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween: Star Wars Style

Another great Halloween to add to our memories. The morning kicked off with all kinds of pumpkin and Halloween-y type activities from breakfast of pumpkin waffles to Eli's class pumpkin party.

Eli was genuinely thrilled to have his Mommy and brother at school to help out. Later that afternoon, he told me that I, "totally rock" for coming. That is some pretty high praise from Eli these days. I don't think I've ever "rocked" so much in his book. And Jude couldn't have been more happy to be included in the fun. He found all kinds of mischief {i.e. the water fountain} to get into and to keep him happy. He was tickled...and soaked!

Because of Eli's passion for Star Wars, the costumes were easy this year. Eli's only trouble was deciding which Star Wars character to be. It took him several weeks of perusing multiple Halloween catalogues to finally settle on the adult Anakin Skywalker. Jude was easy: Yoda. He even has the Yoda voice down. Once it was time to get ready, Eli was not fooling around and took his role very you can see.

Jude was just soaking up all of the excitement....he wasn't sure why, but he was pumped!  

We met up to trick or treat with our usual crew, beginning with a potluck at the Ferguson's (thanks for hosting this motley crew!) The group picture is forever the challenge. I had to throw in the outtake of Jude below. He looks like he is leaping out at us. Hilarious!

These three are the originals. Mabry, Eli and Kent have been trick or treatking together every Halloween since before they were even a year old!

And then we were off to ring some doorbells. Eli and friends were a blur as they dashed from house to house. Where Jude was clueless and took his time at each house. It was a learning curve...and after pushing aside the candy to walk into the second house, he finally figured it out and was doing his best to keep up with the bigger kids.

It was a successful night and we wore the kids out well. After saying goodnight and "Happy Halloween" to our friends, we had one more house to hit....Aunt Kristi and Uncle Steve's!

Even Mommy and Daddy kinda sorta dressed up this year. I painted my shirt after seeing one like it online, and Daddy already had his shirt. 

Though we didn't match our Jedi, we still make a fine looking Gang of Four Five. 

Happy Halloween from our Gang!

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