All week long, I have found myself looking at Jude and wondering, "How in the world he can be 2 already?" I can hardly believe it is true.
Monday was his big day, and it was a fun one. Jude woke up to lots of singing from his brother and Daddy. He donned his birthday crown with pride, and we were quickly out the door to meet up for a Veteran's Day breakfast and parade with friends.
A parade, just for the birthday boy, right? He was enamored by all of the bands, fire trucks, and armed vehicles. The birthday boy waved his flag with gusto!
From there it was on to lunch with Daddy and later a Chik-fil-a birthday dinner complete with presents, cupcakes and family. Jude was adorable in every sense of the word celebrating his day. He was excited to blow out his candles and tell those he wasn't too shy to talk to that he was "two."
He had no clue what presents were, but I think he knows now. He honestly loved each thing and was not too overwhelmed. Eli was a super helper when it came to opening each gift. The water table from Mommy and Daddy was a big hit. We let him play inside with a blanket underneath with an inch or two of water. He managed to get soaked, but had a ball.
One very happy, and wiped out 2 year old. Once the birthday boy ate some icing off of his cupcake, he was done. This Saturday, he will get to celebrate with some more friends and family at his party. He's still a little clueless, but that is ok. It is bound to be another fun day for our sweet and silly two year old.
Some two year old fun facts and stats:

- At his 2 year old appointment....just like his brother....he is still a little on the short but stocky side. 30th percentile for height (almost 34 in.), 70th for weight (almost 30 lbs), and 95th for head. He is rocking and rolling with his language and development. Cried for 45 seconds after his shots, but his "Elmo shoes" (a.k.a. slippers he got for his bday that he won't take off for much...) quickly got his mind off of them. Our little rock star.
- Loves to play with: cars, construction trucks, airplanes, trains, and any and all balls. He loves to be outside running, climbing, throwing, kicking, digging, etc. He really likes to read books, do puzzles, and has recently become and iPod Touch pro.
- Favorite shows...when he will sit still to watch: Bubble Guppies and Blue's Clues....and every once in a while Micky Mouse or Elmo.
- Talks a lot, and quite clearly. Knows his shapes, counts into the teens and loves to sing his ABCs. He is starting to ID letters and is close to spelling his name....he's got the J-U so far. He has several favorite phrases: "I like __(fill in the blank)__.", "That's cool!", "Did you see/hear that?", "Oh my goodness!", "I fine/My OK.", "I do it!" I love the fact that he will still use signs a little as he talks, but has dropped most of his sign language.
- Impressive coordination and fine motor skills. Writes well with a great pencil grip, loves to color and paint, can stack 14 blocks, lines up his cars, kicks, throws, and bats with great accuracy. He is working on catching now.
- He adores music and sings along to his favorites as we drive around in the car.
- Prays the blessing with us each night very sweetly.
- Has some pretty good manners so far. He will say thank you and 'cuse me consistently. He picks up toys well and likes to sing the clean up song while he does it.
- Has recently picked up some serious pouting and fit throwing skills. Despite being able to communicate well, he forgets all of that when he is frustrated and isn't getting his way. He has also learned some "big boy" bad habits from his brother such saying "No fair," "Go away," etc. He is learning that there are consequences when he does not choose to listen to Mommy. He knows what time out is, will often go on his own when he needs a break, and says sorry to get out.
- An adventurous eater....for the most part. Loves fruit, meat, snacks, and sweets. Is a bit pickier when it comes to veggies and breads. Still has a bit of a sensitive stomach. He drinks chocolate almond milk due to a possibly dairy issue and that he dislikes plain milk.
- Is so close to being ready to potty train and is successful without pants on, but as soon as we put underwear on, he wets them every time. I think it will be soon though....maybe? Finger's crossed!
- Hates nap time and will play play play in that crib until I go up and lay him back down again. Bed time is a piece of cake because he is usually so tired from the lack of a good nap.
- Super cuddly and loves his stuffed animals...he calls them his friends.
Jude, thank you for blessing our family for the past two years. We love you very much! Terrible Twos and Trying Threes, here we come. Go easy on us, please!